Prof. Jinsoo Seo
Ph. D. degree, Department of Neurobiology, Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea (2017)
Master’s degree, Department of Neurobiology, Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea (2008)
Bachelor’s degree (2000. 12. – 2003. 6. Serving in the army),Department of Life Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2006)
Honors and Awards
Chung-am Science Fellowship, POSCO TJ Park Foundation (2018)
APSN Young Investigation Colloquia Award (2018)
Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) Travel Award (2018)
Infinite K Award, MIT School of Science (2017)
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Korea Research Foundation (2014)
Poster Awards 2nd place, MIT-Pfizer Neuroscience Day (2012)
Seoul Science Fellowship (2008)
Academic Excellence and Achievement Scholarship, Yonsei University (2006)
Selected publications
Lee D*, Seo J*, Jeong HC, Lee H#, Lee SB# (2021) The early diagnosis of schizophrenia through the discovery of new epigenomics-based biomarkers. (Submitted)
Cho S, Lee H, Jung M, Hong K, Woo SH, Lee YS, Kim BJ, Jeon MY, Seo J#, Mun JY# (2021) Neuromyelitis optica(NMO)-IgG-driven organelle reorganization in human iPSC-derived astrocytes. FASEB J
Lee SI, Jeong W, Lim H, Cho S, Lee H, Jang Y, Cho J, Bae S, Lin YT, Tsai LH, Moon DW, Seo J (2021) ApoE4-carrying human astrocytes oversupply cholesterol to promote neuronal lipid rafts expansion and Aβ generation. Stem Cell Reports
Cho S, Lee H, Seo J (2021) Impact of genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease on brain glucose metabolism. Mol Neurobiol https://doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02297-x
Park JC, Jang SY, Lee D, Lee J, Kang U, Chang H, Kim HJ, Han SH, Seo J, Choi M, Lee DY, Byun MS, Yi D, Cho KH, Mook-Jung I (2021) A logical network-based drug-screening platform for Alzheimer’s disease representing pathological features of human brain organoids. Nat Commun
Narayan P*, Sienski G*, Bonner JM, Lin YT, Seo J, Baru V, Haque A, Milo B, Akay L, Graziosi A, Freyzon Y, Landgraf D, Hesse WR, Valastyan J, Barrasa MI, Tsai LH#, Lindquist S# (2020) PICALM rescues endocytic defects caused by the Alzheimer’s disease risk factor APOE4. Cell Rep https://doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108224.
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