Dr Kheng-Lim Goh
I am also a Fellow (FIMechE) and Chartered Engineer (CEng) of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), and Member (MInstP) and Chartered Physicist (CPhys) of Institute of Physics (IoP). I have recently been appointed Global Engagement Fellow 2020/21.
Director of Research
As Director of Research, I oversee to research activity linked to Singapore. In particular, I support the CEO & Dean (NUiS) in leading the strategy and development of research activity in Singapore and South East Asia, take a strategic overview of the development of research for NUiS, supporting the development of new research activity in partnership with the Directors of Innovation and Internationalisation.
Research interests
I have a long-standing interest in the mechanics of composite materials. My research aims to understand the physical properties of natural and synthetic composite materials and to use the understanding to engineer nanocomposite materials and composite structures, as well as to repair damaged composite materials. I welcome you to visit my research page (see here).
Prior to joining Newcastle University, I have worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow for a multidisciplinary project under the EU Framework V programme at Stirling and Cardiff University (2002-2005). I then accepted the post of Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (2005-2009), followed by Senior lecturer at School of Engineering, Monash University Malaysia (2009-2011). In mid-2011, I joined Newcastle University Singapore as the founding Director of Operations (2011-2016) for the Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering degree programme.
I hold a PhD from Aberdeen University-thanks to Aberdeen University Postgraduate Scholarship programme for supporting my study-MSc in Medical Physics from Aberdeen University, and MSc and BSc (Honours) in Physics from National University of Singapore (NUS).
Selected publications
- Naveen J, Jawaid M, Goh KL, Reddy DM, Muthukumar C, Loganathan TM, Reshwanth KNGL. Advancement in Graphene-Based Materials and Their Nacre Inspired Composites for Armour Applications—A Review. Nanomaterials 2021, 11(5), 1239.
- Lai WL, Saeedipour H, Goh KL. Dataset on open/blind hole-hole interaction in barely visible impact damaged composite laminates. Data in Brief 2021, 34, 106607.
- Zhang Y, Ng YL, Goh KL, Chow Y, Wang S, Zivkovic V. Fluidization of fungal pellets in a 3D-printed micro-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science 2021, 116466.
- He Z, Goh KL, Feng X, Wang K. Measuring the permeabilities of binary gas mixtures with a novel time-lag technique. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021, Epub ahead of print.
- Zhang Y, Goh KL, Ng YL, Chow Y, Wang S, Zivkovic V. Process intensification in micro-fluidized bed systems: a review. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2021, epub ahead of print.