Reducing antimicrobial resistance in shrimp aquaculture

Malaysia seeks alternative solutions to prevent and treat infectious diseases in shrimp.

Aquaculture in Malaysia has created more than 1.75 million jobs and contributes 8.9% to the total agricultural gross domestic product. Malaysia aims to increase shrimp production, but outbreaks of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease, caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus, lead to serious economic losses. Vaccination is ineffective because shrimp lack adaptive immunity, therefore it is important to find new alternatives to prevent or treat infectious diseases in shrimp.

Quorum quenching

Quorum quenching, a technology that inhibits communication between micro-organisms (including pathogens), offers a promising alternative to antimicrobials to control bacterial pathogens. This project will determine the best application methods of quorum quenchers to reduce Vibrio infections and antimicrobial resistance.  

Expected results

The main expected research output for this project is the establishment of a novel, simple, robust, and economical quorum quenching technology that is suitable for shrimp aquaculture, including for use among rural farmers. It is expected that the adoption of quorum quenching technologies in shrimp hatcheries will not only control diseases and reduce the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance, but also increase shrimp production.

Lead institution

This project is led by Universiti Putra Malaysia.

  • Duration: 33 months
  • Budget: CA$1,369,800

Published: 05 Aug 2019

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