Hong Kong


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04 Aug 2016
Hotels usually offer rewards to customers in form of economic or social benefits. Researchers in Hong Kong have recently conducted a study to explore how customers perceive different types of rewards and how those perceptions influence customer loyalty.
27 Jul 2016
While breastfeeding has become more common across the globe in recent years, lactating women may not be aware of the nutrient adequacy of their breast milk and how their daily diet affects their nutrition intakes.
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20 Jul 2016
Authenticating edible oils and hence screening gutter oils within minutes to assure food safety.
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14 Jul 2016
Interactive illuminating textiles for fashion, interiors and safety wear.
Mrs. Carrie Lam
06 Jul 2016
July 6, 2016: The University-Government-Industry Consortium for Sustainable Urban Development (UGI Consortium) was officially launched today in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) with strong support from local universities, government departments and industry.
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16 Jun 2016
Researchers in Hong Kong have developed a system named "Compound eye for high-density 3D imaging".
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06 Jun 2016
Scientists have invented an easily breathable nanomask that can filter incredibly tiny particles, such as viruses and air pollutants.
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06 Jun 2016
A new 3D mapping model integrates multi-platform satellite/aerial imagery and laser scanning data to achieve a higher accuracy in mapping products by 26-66% to centimetre level compared to the conventional mapping technologies.
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02 Jun 2016
Light-weight and highly-conductive PGS for temperature maintenance and effective waste heat dissipation.
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02 Jun 2016
Individuals who get the flu vaccine lose their immunity to the H1N1 influenza virus in about two years, according to an analysis led by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
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30 May 2016
The School of Nursing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has recently developed a computerized haptic system for nasogastric tube (NGT) placement training, enabling nursing students to practise NGT insertion in computer-simulated virtual environment.
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17 May 2016
A water-based paint with a high coefficient of heat insulation.
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11 May 2016
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed two Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-based smart healthcare systems, namely 1) a drug management system and 2) an electronic nursing service management system.
06 May 2016
Summer work uniform for protecting construction workers from hot and humid weather.
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25 Apr 2016
Applicable to machine tools for in-situ work piece surface scanning and measurement.
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25 Apr 2016
Simple and safe monitoring of fetal movement to ensure fetal well-being.
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25 Apr 2016
Compression Hosiery and Knee Brace for Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) and Knee Pain.
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22 Apr 2016
Researchers from Hong Kong and the U.S. have developed a new statistical and mapping method that could help identify drug targets for treating leukaemia.
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20 Apr 2016
A revolutionary novel robotic mannequin system for the fashion industry with the ability to change shape and dimensions.
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18 Apr 2016
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has brought glory to Hong Kong by winning a total of 14 prizes at the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. Covering a wide range of application areas, these breakthroughs not only expanded the boundaries of knowledge, but also enhanced the well-being of our society on different fronts.
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12 Apr 2016
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has successfully developed perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells with the world’s highest power conversion efficiency of 25.5% recently.
07 Apr 2016
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has achieved the world’s fastest optical communications speed for data centres by reaching 240 G bit/s over 2km, 24 times of the existing speed available in the market.
05 Apr 2016
Safe, flexible, and recoverable x-ray protective products.
05 Apr 2016
Identify the best personalized reliable driving route, increasing the successful rate of on-time arrival.
05 Apr 2016
A non-invasive way to measure the level of glucose in saliva accurately.
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04 Apr 2016
Apigenin, a natural metabolite found in plants and vegetables, is poised to improve chemotherapy significantly.
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31 Mar 2016
A multi-robot system that can perform formation control, exploration, and monitoring tasks autonomously in a distributed manner.
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31 Mar 2016
Design and implement a new platform to accelerate the execution of mobile interactive applications by leveraging cloud computing technologies.
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31 Mar 2016
Transform a smart-phone into a high-end camera.
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22 Mar 2016
Post-mastectomy products for prevention of heat and moisture build-up.


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Giants in history

Chinese-American virologist and molecular biologist Flossie Wong-Staal (27 August 1946 – 8 July 2020) was the first scientist to clone HIV and determine the function of its genes.
David T. Wong (born 1936) is a Hong Kong-born American neuroscientist who is best known for discovering the antidepressant drug fluoxetine, better known as Prozac.
Charles Kuen Kao (Nov. 4, 1933 to Sept. 23, 2018) was an engineer who is regarded as the father of fibre optics. His work in the 1960s on long distance signal transmission using very pure glass fibres revolutionized telecommunications, enabling innovations such as the Internet.