Biology Biotechnology


20 Oct 2020
Researchers at Kanazawa University and University of California, San Francisco report in Science that arbitrary proteins, when combined with anchoring and receptor proteins, can work as a signaling protein “morphogen” capable of engineered spatial patterning.
14 Oct 2020
Osaka City University unravels the atomic architecture of the “Nap” protein complex found on Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
06 Oct 2020
Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nature Communications the mechanism making some lung-cancer patients resistant to the drug osimertinib. In addition, they suggest a combined drug treatment resolving osimertinib resistance in the case of cancer cells expressing low amounts of AXL, a protein belonging to the class of receptor tyrosine kinases.
07 Sep 2020
Scientists are learning about species adaptation by comparing their stem cell-related genes.
24 Jul 2020
While scientists still don’t fully understand the diverse nature of RNA molecules, it is believed that the proteins binding to them, called RNA-binding proteins, are associated with many disease formation. A research led by biomedical scientists from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has developed a novel detection method, called CARPID, to identify binding proteins of specific RNAs in the living cells. It is expected the innovation can be applied in various cell research, from identifying biomarkers of cancer diagnosis to detecting potential drug targets for treating viral diseases.
10 Jul 2020
Scientists demonstrate that the information about host bacteria–bacteriophage (phage) associations derived from world’s first metagenome analysis is useful for the development of phage therapies against intestinal pathobionts.
06 Jul 2020
Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Biomaterials a high-speed atomic-force microscopy study of protein filaments in the nuclear pore complex. The visualization in real-time of the filaments’ dynamics is an important step in our understanding of molecular transport mechanisms between a cell nucleus and its surrounding medium.
iCeMS hasegawa malaria india
02 Jul 2020
A method that involves infecting liver cells with mosquito-bred parasites could improve the study of malaria in India.
30 Jun 2020
Hiroshima University scientists will work on a low-cost sex selection system for bovines using their new technology to help grow dairy herds and boost the incomes of India’s smallholder farmers.
29 Jun 2020
Novel system for simultaneously measuring brain electrical signals from multiple zebrafish opens up path to cheaper and faster drug screening for neurological disorders
09 Jun 2020
A transparent container made by Nagoya University researchers allows easy and quick grafting of very young plants, with benefits for agriculture and plant research.
15 May 2020
The newly developed rapid testing kit detects COVID-19 antibodies, requiring only micro-liter volume of serum and 15 minutes of time for achieving results.
07 Feb 2020
Researchers at Kanazawa University report in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology a promising novel approach for a combined treatment of the most common type of lung cancer and associated secondary cancers in the central nervous system. The approach lies in combining two cancer drugs, with one compensating for a resistance side effect of the other.
“Cells are nature’s building blocks. Bioprinting uses cells, proteins and biomaterials as building blocks to 3D printed biological models, biological systems and therapeutic products," says guest editor Professor Wei Sun from Drexel University, USA, and Tsinghua University, China.
07 Feb 2020
The way research in bioprinting will be taken forward has been laid out in this roadmap for the field.
22 Jan 2020
Researchers at Tohoku University have developed a new type of smart contact lenses that can prevent dry eyes. The self-moisturising system, which is described in the journal Advanced Materials Technologies, maintains a layer of fluid between the contact lens and the eye using a novel mechanism.
3D heart
21 Jan 2020
Using tissue engineering techniques, researchers are developing living heart valves that can grow after implantation in the human heart.
25 Dec 2019
Malaria parasites transform healthy red blood cells into rigid versions of themselves that clump together, hindering the transportation of oxygen. The infectious disease affects more than 200 million people across the world and causes nearly half a million deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization’s 2018 report on malaria. Until now, however, researchers did not have a strong understanding of how the parasite so effectively infiltrated a system’s red blood cells.
22 Nov 2019
Husband and wife team, Kimishige (3 December 1925 – 6 July 2018) and Teruko Ishizaka (28 September 1926 – 4 June 2019) discovered the antibody class Immunoglobulin E (IgE) that triggers allergic reactions.
City University of Hong Kong, CityU, SaCas9-HF,CRISPR-Cas9
01 Nov 2019
A team of researchers from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Karolinska Institutet has recently developed a new protein which can help increase the targeting accuracy in the genome editing process. It is believed that it would be useful for future gene therapies in human which require high precision.
30 Oct 2019
Development of novel agonist antibodies to treat cancer by collaboration between academia and industry
Professor Eun-Kyoung Kim in the DGIST Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (left) and Seolsong Kim, an integrated M.S.-Ph.D. program student (right)
19 Sep 2019
Professor Eun-Kyoung Kim’s team in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences discovered the mechanism underlying the regulation of energy metabolism by hypothalamic tanycyte. Proposed a new research direction to develop an enhanced obesity treatment.
31 Aug 2019
Advanced Materials publishes a special issue, highlighting some of the outstanding works of South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST).
DGIST Professor Jong Kyong Kim’s team in the Department of New Biology (right) and Researcher Eunmin Lee in the Department of New Biology (left)
29 Aug 2019
Successfully identified the existence of two types of 'gastric isthmus stem cells' with different roles and characteristics using a multi-color identification technology. Expects to clarify and treat causes of gastric diseases such as cancer.
27 Aug 2019
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has successfully modeled network channels similar to our blood capillaries in the simplest way containing one or two loops.
gut bacteria genome
19 Aug 2019
A new high-resolution approach using portable DNA sequencers provides a more complete genomic picture of antibiotic resistance in gut bacteria.
Professor Seong-Woon Yu in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at DGIST (right), Seonghee Jung in the M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Program in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at DGIST (left)
09 Aug 2019
Chronic stress induces autophagic death of adult hippocampal neural stem cells (NSCs). Expected to offer new opportunities for development of early treatment options for stress-associated brain diseases.
11 Jun 2019
It’s Asia’s biggest biotech industry event of the year! Early bird discount ends June 22nd.
13 Dec 2018
Direct electrolysis has mixed results for extracting fuel sources from microalgae.
University of Malaya
06 Dec 2018
Faizatul Lela Jafar, Scientific Officer and Biosafety Officer from Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya has been named as one of the two recipients for IFBA’s 2017 Biosafety Heroes for her significant contribution to help others in biosafety and biosecurity.
Asia Research News Logo
03 Sep 2018
Four-Day Event to Convene Sustainability Businesses, Leaders and Experts


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