Medicine & Healthcare
22 Jan 2019
A combined treatment may help tackle the rise of E. coli PI-7 in Saudi Arabia’s wastewater systems.

21 Jan 2019
Two students, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) have been honored with the 2018 Talent Award of Korea.
21 Jan 2019
Articular cartilages, once injured, cannot regrow or heal on their own. By understanding the mechanisms of how frog embryos develop to form facial cartilages, researchers have identified a novel potential therapeutic target that could pave the way for regenerative treatments for arthritis in humans.
18 Jan 2019
An international team of researchers has identified a novel route that regulates the signaling pathways induced by extracellular matrix (ECM). This may serve as a new diagnostic marker and therapeutic target in the fight against chronic liver diseases.

18 Jan 2019
South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) signed an industry-academia cooperation agreement with Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. for AI-based new drug development.
17 Jan 2019
The mistletoe fig reduces toxic oxidative stress in diabetic rat brains, while also keeping the cortex wrinkly and improving cognition.
17 Jan 2019
A nucleus-penetrating probe could lead to therapies for virus-related tumours.
17 Jan 2019
A recent study, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has introduced a novel targeted drug delivery system in the fight against cancer.
17 Jan 2019
Korean researchers have identified the inhibition of autophagy in microglia, brain immune cells. It is expected to help develop treatments for Alzheimer’s diseases which occur due to the inhibition of autophagy.
17 Jan 2019
HKBU scholars invented the world’s first multidimensional antimicrobial susceptibility testing system. The new technology can provide information about drug resistant pathogens present in patients, enabling doctors to accurately determine the effectiveness and appropriate dosage of antibiotics needed for effective treatment.
07 Jan 2019
Korean researchers have clarified the fundamentals of coiled toxin protein which causes neurodegenerative brain disorders. The result is expected to speed the development of treatment for neurodegenerative disorder.
17 Dec 2018
Major study of 7,663 Malaysian women shows that breastfeeding, physical activity and soy intake are protective against breast cancer. The findings were from the Malaysian Breast Cancer (MyBrCA) genetic study and the Malaysian Mammographic Density (MyMammo) study.
17 Dec 2018
Chlorophyllum molybdites is the poisonous mushroom most frequently reported in Malaysia. The mushroom is confused with Termitomyces mushroom, the edible type. Researchers worked with clinicians and provide training for the doctors about the study of fungus, clinical management of mushroom poisoning and mushroom toxicology surveillance system.

13 Dec 2018
This book presents the general neurosurgery problem-based learning that combines case studies and pathology illustration in a simple and easy to understand way. The book is currently published in Mandarin and is hoped to be translated to other languages in the near future.

13 Dec 2018
HKUST is joining forces with Haven of Hope Christian Service to develop solutions that could improve the quality of life for the elderly and their caregivers.
13 Dec 2018
The present invention provides a method to produce black iron oxide nanoparticle slurry having a magnetite structure and homogenously disperse. It can be used as formed or mix with other medium.
04 Dec 2018
A researcher at University of Malaya, Malaysia, has developed a real-time method based on specific Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to detect dangerous bacteria causing foodborne diseases in raw chicken.
27 Nov 2018
Research shows that up to 50 percent of cancer cases and deaths are preventable. Cancer prevention is the most cost-effective and sustainable long-term strategy for the control of cancer.

26 Nov 2018
Stressful events in the evening release less of the body’s stress hormones than those that happen in the morning, suggesting possible vulnerability to stress in the evening.
23 Nov 2018
Tests show an association between how aggressive a tumour is and the levels of sugar and inflammatory proteins in the blood.
21 Nov 2018
Loss of a protein called TRIM29 promotes cancer cell invasion in a common type of skin cancer, suggesting a novel diagnostic marker and a possible therapeutic target.

14 Nov 2018
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) reached strategic collaborative research framework agreements with China Resources Microelectronics Limited (CR Micro) and China Resources Life Science Industry Development Co., Ltd. (CR Life Science).
07 Nov 2018
New research documents how modifications to RNA keep nerve junctions flexible.

02 Nov 2018
UM researcher Dr. Chai Lay Ching was awarded the L'Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science National Fellowship for her research in developing a real-time method to detect dangerous bacteria causing food-borne diseases in raw chicken.
01 Nov 2018
A new statistical tool for collectively analyzing large sets of brainwaves promises to accelerate neurofunctional research.
31 Oct 2018
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) recently developed a robotic arm to facilitate self-help and upper-limb mobile rehabilitation for stroke patients.
30 Oct 2018
HKBU researchers have discovered a new nanomaterial which could enable the early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.
30 Oct 2018
A technique to generate large amounts of giant vesicle (liposome) dispersion has been developed. The technique involves adsorbing a lipid into a silicone porous material resembling a "marshmallow-like gel" and then squeezing it out like a sponge by impregnating a buffer solution.
29 Oct 2018
Nanomaterials that respond to cancer-specific stimuli show potential in the targeted delivery of treatments and imaging compounds, but many challenges remain.
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