Biology Microbiology


Prof. Hirt
05 Feb 2018
Genetic analyses of a desert bacterium show it could help to improve crop production in arid lands.
01 Feb 2018
Skin squames are a source of food for the bacteria found in air-cooling units, which produce odours even in a dust-free air-conditioning system, a research by Hong Kong Baptist University scholars revealed.
08 Dec 2017
Researchers at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have recently found that bacteria that carry the colistin resistance gene mcr-1 commonly exist in human and various types of food and environmental samples collected from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland.
Wastewater treatment
15 Nov 2017
Treating wastewater with solar irradiation shows promise in reducing two E. coli strains but a resilient strain persists.
Briny pool bacteria can clean up and power up
06 Nov 2017
Promising electrochemical technologies for cleaning wastewater are boosted by discovery of extremophilic microbes in the Red Sea.
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24 Oct 2017
A physiological approach to restore the gut’s ecosystem in various diseases by using antimicrobial peptides has been developed by Hokkaido University scientists.
Giant bacteria make algae easy to stomach
10 Oct 2017
Symbiotic giant bacteria enable Red Sea surgeonfish to specialize their diets.
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31 Aug 2017
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) discovered a newly emerged superbug, hyper-resistant and hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae, which may cause untreatable and fatal infections in relatively healthy individuals and will pose enormous threat to human health.
07 Jul 2017
Scientists have discovered a unique biosynthetic pathway for D-Glutamate, an important cell wall component in pathogenic bacteria, which could lead to the development of medicines and agricultural chemicals.
To complete their life cycles, defective pararetrovirus (PRV) species have evolved to form partnerships which are maintained by frequent exchanges of their noncoding regulatory sequences (NRSs).
26 Jun 2017
Studying DNA fragments left by ancient viruses in their host’s genome has shown even non-autonomous viruses could prosper by helping each other.
Asia Research News Logo
17 Jun 2017
Complimentary Live Webinar - 27th June 2017, 2.30pm SGT | 7.30am BST
29 May 2017
KAIST Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering was elected as a foreign associate to the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on May 2.


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