Keio University's President Anzai participates in WEF Annual Meeting, Davos

President Anzai participated in the GULF (Global University Leaders Forum) Winter Meeting, at which leaders of institutions of higher learning in developed and developing countries discussed the future role of universities.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) held its Annual Meeting 2008 in Davos, Switzerland, from January 23-27. President Anzai participated in the GULF (Global University Leaders Forum) Winter Meeting, at which presidents/leaders of universities and other institutions of higher learning in both developed and developing countries discussed the future role of universities.

On January 24, Keio University co-hosted the Japan Sushi Reception with the University of Tokyo, Teijin Limited and Sojitz Corporation. The reception, whose theme was “Japan as a Solution Leader for the Environment,” provided a venue for the exchange of views between leaders from political, business and academic arenas.