Contact details
Dr. Vikram Kumar
Local Organising Committee
Email:[email protected]
Dr. A. P. Mitra
National Organising Committee
Email:[email protected]
Dr. P. Banerjee
Convenor, Local Organising Committee
Time & Frequency Section
National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi 110 012, INDIA.
Tel: +91 11 2584 1506 (O), +91 11 2874 4318
Fax: +91 11 2572 6952, +91 11 2572 6938
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
International Union of Radio Science, universally referred to as URSI (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale), is one of 25 Scientific Unions, which adhere to International Council for Science (ICSU). URSI was created in 1919, during Constitutive Assembly of International Research Council (now ICSU).
One of main objects of URSI is to stimulate and to coordinate, on an international basis, studies in fields of radio, telecommunication and electronic sciences. (
Scientific interests of Indian scientists and engineers in various research institutions are represented in URSI by Indian National Committee for URSI (INCURSI) constituted by Indian National Science Academy (INSA)
General Assembly of URSI is held at intervals of three years. Main objective of the Assembly is to review current trends in research; present new results, and make plans for future research work of for specific projects, especially where it seems desirable to arrange for cooperation on an informational scale.
This URSI General Assembly will be held in New Delhi in 2005. Around 1000 delegates (inclusive of 150 young and talented scientists) from different parts of the world are expected to participate in the event. Good number of companies active in telecommunication sector in different parts of the world are also expected to take part in this event.
Associated websites:
* URSIGA2005
* Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI)
* National Physical Laboratory