The awards are open to researchers and members of academia from Asia-Pacific countries, excluding Japan, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. To be eligible, candidates must be less than 40 years of age as of 14 July 2008 and have significant accomplishments in one of the categories mentioned. Winners will be evaluated by three international experts per category based on the number of publications and patents, number of citations and h-index, and the extent to which their research has led successfully to social, economic, cultural and/or environment benefits. Citations and h-index will be evaluated using the Scopus citation tracker.
Awards include a cash prize, a Certificate, and an all expense paid trip to Penang, Malaysia for the ASAIHL 28th General Conference at Universiti Sains Malaya from 12-14 December 2008 ( A special banquet will be given for the winners.
The launch of these annual awards demonstrates ASAIHL’s commitment to the promotion of national and international excellence in research and socio-economic, technological and environmental development in Asia-Pacific.
How to participate
Award details and link to the Young Scientist Awards downloadable forms are available at
If you are an applicant for the award, download application form, recommendation form and publication format in excel file. If you wish to nominate a peer/ colleague/ student/ researcher, download the nomination form. Applications and nominating parties are requested to read the instructions carefully and mark their submitted forms properly.
Deadline of Submission of nominations and applications: Midnight of 10 October 2008