Diabetes: The rise of resistance

In Nature China this week - Insight into the signalling pathway of insulin resistance opens up new strategies against type 2 diabetes

Nature China highlights the best research coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong, providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines.

Diabetes: The rise of resistance
Insight into the signalling pathway of insulin resistance opens up new strategies against type 2 diabetes

Spermiogenesis: Heads or tails
Researchers have identified a protein responsible for shaping early round spermatids into mature, motile sperm cells

Geochemistry: The Cenozoic cycle
Geological effects such as rock weathering had a strong influence on the carbon cycle during the Cenozoic era

Palaeontology: Birds of a feather
Fossil specimens found in China show that feathers evolved and diversified on dinosaurs long before dinosaurs evolved into birds

Nanodevices: Triangle tricks
Researchers in Beijing demonstrate a nano-sized triangle made of DNA that can be opened and closed just by changing the pH

Quantum optics: Josephson effect — the light version
Reseachers in Beijing have built an optical system that allows direct observation of photonic Josephson effects

Published: 04 Feb 2009

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