Community involvement- New criteria for promotion prospects for USM academic staff

PENANG, 4 October: Universiti Sains Malaysia will be the first university in the country to introduce promotions for academic staff based on their involvement in community programmes.

The introduction of the criteria for promotions through the evaluation of their contribution and involvement in community-based programmes is part of the efforts of the Ministry of Higher Education to ensure that the universities remain relevant and grow in tandem with the needs of the nation and the community.

The Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin when announcing this new criteria said that prior to this, opportunities for promotions for academic staff were based solely upon evaluation of their and teaching and research.

“However, we realize that universities are part of the community and they ought to play an optimal role in the community, and go beyond mere research and instruction. So far, the Ministry has noted that USM is seriously considering implementation of this new criteria and we hope that it can be implemented in other universities in the country as well,” he said during a press conference at Dewan Budaya today.

Prior to this, he launched two new books published by the USM Industry and Community Network Division titled ‘Reaching Out… Making the Difference’ and ‘Kluster Hubungan Universiti-Komuniti’ ('University-Community Engagement') in USM.

USM Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, said that USM is currently evaluating specific criteria and views this effort as recognition and acknowledgement of the critical thinkers and intellectuals who have contributed towards nation building.

The programme then continued with a public lecture by Mr. Mechai Viravaidya, Chairman of the Population and Community Development Association of Thailand titled ‘Privatising Poverty Eradication in ASEAN: A New Approach to Community Empowerment’ organized by the School of Social Sciences, USM.

Also present at the event were Puan Sri Datin Masrah Hj. Abidin, the Vice-Chancellor’s wife; Prof. Omar Osman, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Development); Prof. Lim Koon Ong, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Industry and Community Network); and Assoc. Prof. Ismail Baba, the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, USM.