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Principal Investigator : Hideo SAITOH
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University
Keywords : laser-plasma, volumetric display, 3D display, 3D contents analysis
Outline :
The purpose of this research is to develop a practical device technology for displaying real 3D images into free space where nothing exists except for the air, based on the plasma light emission induced in the air by laser radiation. We also aim to open up a new industrial market of 3D contents along with the development of the technology. To achieve those purposes, we will perform the research and development for the 3D display device with high quality and large display space, and for the basic technology to create 3D contents for the 3D display device. We will also investigate social demands for 3D media contents along with empirical experiments applying the 3D display device to practical advertisements.
Expected outcome :
In five years, we would like to demonstrate that the 3D space display can be used for some practical applications. One of our target is outdoor advertisement, like an application where people in wide area could see the same contents from everywhere at the same time. Other interesting application will be illumination entertainment in the space, such as fireworks. Especially in Japan, fireworks show is one of the most popular entertainment events in summer season. In the same frame of mind, we already found numerous entertainment applications based on the 3D display device.
Duration : 2006.10 ~ 2011.03
Main collaborative researchers :
Keio University : Toshiyuki MURAKAMI
Keio University : Taro UCHIYAMA
Keio University : Vincent Nozick
Collaborative organizations :
Aerio Inc.
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
University of Tokyo
Dentsu Inc.