Advanced Science


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01 Apr 2011
Free-floating electrons on top of liquid helium yield insights into their transport behavior
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01 Apr 2011
Using a simple glass capillary, atomic physicists at RIKEN are developing an ultra-narrow ion beam that pinpoints a part of organelles in a living cell, enabling biologists to visualize how the damage affects cell activities.
15 Mar 2011
Dr. Hideki Hirayama has won an Achievement Award in the 43rd Ichimura Science Awards for his work on the development of high-quality AlGaN-based semiconductor crystals and advanced research on deep-UV LEDs. Dr. Hirayama is the leader of the Terahertz Quantum Device Team at RIKEN Advanced Science Insitute (ASI).
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14 Mar 2011
A common industrial magnet exhibits rare and potentially useful qualities when its composition is slightly altered
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04 Mar 2011
Calculations can now predict when and how spins of electrons and ions arrange in one-dimensional multiferroic materials
25 Feb 2011
Western Digital® (NYSE: WDC) announced today that it has established a research and development center in Singapore, where the company will leverage the local talent pool and expertise of research organizations, such as Singapore’s A*STAR Data Storage Institute (DSI), and universities in the development of advanced hard drive technologies.
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25 Feb 2011
Exotic entities that arrange into a crystalline structure at near room-temperature could lead to a new approach to electronic memory
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22 Feb 2011
By NASER FARUQUI The political dramas unfolding in Tunisia, Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries present pivotal opportunities: They improve the prospects for harnessing science and its values to advance sustainable and equitable development, openness and democracy in the Islamic world.
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18 Feb 2011
Molecular simulations explain how enzymatic pumps transport calcium ions within muscle cells
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18 Feb 2011
Experimental evidence adds to the likelihood of the existence of supersolids, an exotic phase of matter
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11 Feb 2011
Researchers at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute are harnessing new physical principles in their search for the breakthroughs that will drive the next technological revolution.
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11 Feb 2011
Microwave photons can nullify the conductivity of electrons confined to the surface of liquid helium
28 Jan 2011
At the AAAS will be two scientists involved in cutting-edge research at RIKEN. Yoichi Yamada will discuss his team’s work on a new “micro-reaction chip”, as the basis for a revolutionary technique for conducting chemical reactions and Hiroyuki Ichida will discuss the application of heavy-ion beams to plant and microbial breeding.
21 Jan 2011
Helical molecules that contract reversibly when oxidized pave the way to new single-molecule electrochemical switches
21 Jan 2011
Polymer films that unfurl in the light could be the first of a new family of functional materials
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14 Jan 2011
Simulations have explained the peculiar nature of molecular hydrogen vibration under high pressure
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14 Jan 2011
A newly proposed superconducting device could lead to the first observation of particles that are their own antiparticles
07 Jan 2011
The ability of bacteria to change the body color of aphids has ecological consequences
07 Jan 2011
The interaction of electrons in an unusual oxide reveals new ways to tune electrical conductivity
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24 Dec 2010
The discovery that particles called antiprotons collide with molecules and atoms in different ways is contrary to theoretical expectations.
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17 Dec 2010
Mathematical equations can now resolve whether electron transport in nanostructures follows classical or quantum mechanical behavior
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17 Dec 2010
Theoretical physicists are working to unlock the secrets of a new class of matter known as topological insulators and topological superconductors.
10 Dec 2010
On September 17–18, the RIKEN Harima Institute hosted the second Noyori Summer School, a retreat for PhD students in the International Program Associate (IPA) and Junior Research Associate (JRA) programs conducting research at RIKEN.
06 Dec 2010
Tokyo, 6 Dec - Researchers at RIKEN, Japan’s flagship research institution, have successfully devised the world’s first experimental technique for measuring ground-state hyperfine transitions of antihydrogen.
03 Dec 2010
Advances in our understanding of basic biological processes and human disease owe much to the groundbreaking research of scientists at the Chromosome Dynamics Laboratory at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute.
15 Nov 2010
Tokyo, 15 Nov - New findings by researchers at RIKEN and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) have shed light on the remarkable electrochemical response properties of an elusive class of molecular helix structures, charting a new path in the design of molecular machines and devices.
12 Nov 2010
Scientists discover that a protein with an essential role in controlling gene dosage in female cells has been hiding in plain sight
04 Nov 2010
Tokyo, 4 Nov- Researchers at RIKEN have successfully developed a revolutionary new polymer film that changes shape upon irradiation with UV and visible light.
15 Oct 2010
The formation of nuclear pores in dividing human cells is being illuminated by new visualization techniques
15 Oct 2010
A versatile formula describes the energetic conditions needed to transport molecules laterally on surfaces