

24 Apr 2019
Biotech as the Next Growth Engine for Asia
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31 Jan 2019
“It’s not that Newton’s theory was wrong,” says Professor Barry Barish, an experimental physicist from the California Institute of Technology and University of California, Riverside. “It was just incomplete and didn’t describe all of nature,” he says.
Dr Tuomo Suntola
05 Jan 2019
Materials scientist and physicist Dr Tuomo Suntola, who recently won the Millennium Technology Prize 2018 for his invention of atomic layer deposition (ALD), will be participating in the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2019 in Singapore, 20-25 January 2019.
03 May 2018
Custom-made gas-sensing material could lead to inexpensive devices for real-time air quality analysis.
13 Feb 2018
2,000 educators, policymakers & technology leaders assemble to assess the future of Filipino education
19 Sep 2017
Enterprises get ready to tap on the latest technologies from around the globe at TechInnovation 2017
18 Sep 2017
Fluorescent polymer points the finger at traces of explosive devices.
28 Jul 2017
University of Malaya’s ethnomusicologist Loo Fung Ying and Universiti Putra Malaysia’s musicologist Loo Fung Chiat discussed how national unity can be emphasized in multicultural Malaysia through local performing arts by delving into the International Champion Kun Seng Keng Lion Dance troupe.
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29 Jun 2017
ASEAN is a symbol of regional development in Southeast Asia region. Its Charter envisages legal and institutional frameworks, but ASEAN Member States prefer soft law as compared to the hard law. The importance of legal instruments should be recognized to establish stronger implementation, enforcement, monitoring and reviewing mechanisms.
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20 Apr 2017
Mass production technology for silicon based ultraviolet (UV) light sensors, suitable for smartphones and wearable devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) era, has been jointly developed by a research team at Tohoku University and SII Semiconductor Corporation, a semiconductor manufacturer at Seiko Instruments Group.
09 Mar 2017
Preserving cultural heritage, including access to and use of ancestral lands, can be a real challenge for indigenous communities. A range of cultural memory recall and music workshops with the indigenous Ata of the Philippines aims to empower communities and validate legal claims related to the Indigenous People’s Rights Act.
An international collaboration at KAUST
21 Feb 2017
KAUST studies of the effects and transport of dust in the atmosphere yields insights about pollution, climate, agriculture, industry and health
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08 Feb 2016
Researchers in Russia have addressed technical questions concerning routine analytic characterization and provided a concise description of the most important features regarding the accuracy and sensitivity of NMR, EI-MS and ESI-MS measurements.
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01 Feb 2016
The Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has developed fluorescent probes for rapid detection of formaldehyde in food.
SMU Assistant Professor Kim Jae Bum
22 Sep 2015
How do company managers make decisions on voluntary disclosures? Findings from the Singapore Management University (SMU) show the extent to which voluntary disclosures are also based on finely calculated decisions.
03 Sep 2015
Pharma+Bio Asia 2015, an all-encompassing convention for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries, will take place at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 2 – 4 September 2015.
SMU Assistant Professor Ijlal Naqvi
31 Aug 2015
The electrical power sector in Pakistan provides a lens through which researchers can examine the government’s level of service to its citizens. The research project aims to produce the country's first electricity distribution map.
13 Feb 2015
Assimilating traditional musical instruments into contemporary musical composition.
25 Nov 2014
SIMTech invention can be used in an array of industries, and is critical for next generation ultra-precision systems
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11 Sep 2014
Like a parent, HIR is justifiably proud of the achievements of its researchers, especially the young student scientists involved with cutting edge research working alongside academic icons and even Nobel Laureates.
Magnetic refrigerant
27 Aug 2014
A gadolinium-based material that can be cooled by varying a magnetic field may be useful for cooling low-temperature sensors.
ARN 2014
24 Apr 2014
Read about breakthroughs in graphene, photonics and energy research, the impact of global migration, secret lives of elephants, 3000-year-old tombs, robots destroying breast cancer cells, the world’s first synthesizer for traditional bamboo instruments, a new heavy ion accelerator, gender bias in health systems and more in Asia Research News 2014
Rebana Ubi
21 Apr 2014
UiTM researchers are modernising the 'Rebana Ubi', a traditional Malaysian musical instrument by infusing it with a modern computer aided technology.
08 Apr 2014
NMC also announced an RCA with Mogas Flow Lab (MFL) to establish a R&D lab to develop bunker fuel-based Primary Liquid Flow Standard and a Heavy Hydrocarbon Calibration Rig (HHCR).
28 Mar 2014
This study evaluated how Gamelan music can be assimilated into contemporary music compositions and performance practices, opening up new possibilities for the use of the gamelan in the music industry.
15 Oct 2013
Diffraction grating elements for 633 nm to 1064 nm waveband with 1600 lines/mm, exhibit a diffraction efficiency of 98%—the highest in this category of technology. This feature is important for expansion and compression of laser pulses for light sources used in laser processing.
31 Jan 2013
The ability to miniaturize photonics devices to sizes compatible with computer chips inches closer
22 Jan 2013
(Okayama, Japan, 22 Jan) Pioneering research from Okayama University on surgical treatment of congenital heart disease & inflammation & diabetic nephropathy, to plant activators to protect crops, DNA sequencing of barley & piezoelectric actuator for cryogenic temperature
19 Dec 2012
Singapore, 20 December 2012- Nikon Corporation and A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME), a leading semiconductor research institute of Singapore, have announced a collaboration with an agreement to jointly set up a R&D laboratory to develop advanced optical lithography technology used in the manufacturing of semiconductor chips.