Press releases

Content is provided by our community of institutions, partners, researchers and journalists.

Quaid-i-Azam University
18 Dec 2005
Everyday, we use many different types of liquids. Understanding their flow behaviour is very important. This paper studies how the flow of a viscoelastic liquid in a pipe changes by imposing alternating pressures.
Nature Publishing Group
18 Dec 2005
A new study in the January issue of Nature Genetics reports that individuals with particular combinations of genetic variants are less susceptible to infection by the SARS virus.
Nature Publishing Group
18 Dec 2005
Japanese researchers have found that a rice plant that grows with its shoots more erect will produce more grains than normal.
Nature Publishing Group
18 Dec 2005
Using a new technique, geneticists have reached into the past to reconstruct the genetic sequence of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius).
Nature Publishing Group
18 Dec 2005
Researchers demonstrate an easy and very flexible control over microfluidic flow by using suspended gold nanoparticles; Motor neurons secrete a mutant protein produced from a particular gene, setting off a chain of events that leads to cell death.
Nature Publishing Group
14 Dec 2005
The Indus river, Pakistan's major river, supplied water to one of the earliest of all human civilizations, and gave its name to India. But according to a paper in this week's Nature, it was once fed by a source different from today's.
Nature Publishing Group
14 Dec 2005
Science entries in the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia are not markedly less accurate those in Encyclopaedia Britannica. That's the conclusion of a Nature investigation
Nature Publishing Group
14 Dec 2005
Early humans were living in Britain as much as 700,000 years ago, according to a newly discovered set of flint tools that provides evidence that early human species journeyed across the Alps and into northern Europe much earlier than experts had suspected
Nature Publishing Group
14 Dec 2005
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature Vol.438 No.7070 including Cell biology: How stem cells arrange to shape feathers; Molecular biology: The secrets of ion channels unbound; Insight into angiogenesis; Weird bubbles wearing armour
Divan Enterprise (
14 Dec 2005
The book should provide an interesting reading for policy-makers, reform consultants, and academics and help inculcate added pragmatism in their work on the electricity sector reforms.
Keio University
14 Dec 2005
This report gives readers an overview of the research activities within Keio University with excellent summaries of their achievements and current projects
Universiti Sains Malaysia
14 Dec 2005
A new e-journal to showcase the latest findings in fundamental and applied aspects of food research has been launched by Universiti Sains Malaysia.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
14 Dec 2005
One of the most important findings of the research is that about half of supplemental irrigation amounts currently applied may be saved with only 10-15 % yield loss.
Divan Enterprise (
11 Dec 2005
Disorders occurring during early life (including prenatal period) can cause long-standing serious effects that are reflected in the child's development.
Nature Publishing Group
11 Dec 2005
NATURE AND THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS PRESS RELEASE For papers that are published online on 11 December 2005
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
11 Dec 2005
Field-Programmable Technology; The Physics of Semiconductor Devices; Biotechnology; Migratory Waterbird Conservation
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 Dec 2005
Vanadium oxides nanotubes are important in technological applications such a catalysts for oxidation-reduction reactions, semiconductors, optical devices and coatings.
Keio University
11 Dec 2005
Results indicated that abnormal p16 methylation is an early frequent event that can contribute to the development of gastric cancer and may be a very important biomarker for diagnosis of the disease.
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
11 Dec 2005
Why do power sector problems persist in Bangladesh? What can be done to solve them? This report assesses the barriers to accelerated electrification - in particular the barriers to rural electrification – and puts forward practical recommendations.
Divan Enterprise (
07 Dec 2005
There is a perception among potential investors in electricity distribution projects in India that the price-setting methodologies not conducive to long-term investments. This paper evaluates and shows that this need not be the case.
Nature Publishing Group
07 Dec 2005
Summaries of newsworthy papers from Nature. VOL.438 NO.7069 including GbpA protein enables cholera to hijack gut and gutter; Greyhounds take bends better than humans
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
07 Dec 2005
First International Conference on Nutrigenomics, 11th Biennial Symposium on Literature and Cultures of the Asia-Pacific and 8th Sustainable Development Conference.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
07 Dec 2005
Mass screening has been a problem in many developing countries due to costs and lack of expertise. The NeuralMammo can help solve this. It is an artificial intelligent system to diagnose breast cancer based on images captured from fine needle aspirates.
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
07 Dec 2005
The studies reveal that even in the dry areas, which are characterized by water scarcity, available water is not used efficiently for agricultural production due to farmers’ practices and prevailing policies on water.
Nature Publishing Group
04 Dec 2005
NATURE AND THE NATURE RESEARCH JOURNALS PRESS RELEASE - For papers that will be published online on 4 December 2005
Nature Publishing Group
04 Dec 2005
Researchers have found a way to explain how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be kept dormant and hidden in immune cells.
Divan Enterprise (
04 Dec 2005
In this paper, we use South Africa as a case study to discuss the relationship between access to finance, economic growth, and sustainable development.
Divan Enterprise (
04 Dec 2005
When babies with severe problems of respiration and birth asphyxia are discharged home after stormy hospital stay, those with more problems may suffer later from a wide range of problems like cerebral palsy, vision, speech and hearing problems.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
04 Dec 2005
This is the first research in Malaysia and in the world that uses oil palm biomass as an ash glaze. Aside from being cost efficient, this glaze is also aesthetically pleasing compared to the usual commercial glazes.
Keio University
04 Dec 2005
It is perceived that with the continued Westernization of the Japanese diet, colon cancer will become more prevalent and more important for screening in Japan.