Prof. Dr. Li Zhang

Li Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) and an associate faculty member in Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine (TIM) and T Stone Robotics Institute (CURI) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also the co-director of CAS SIAT-CUHK Joint Laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Systems.

Li Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) and an associate faculty member in Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine (TIM) and T Stone Robotics Institute (CURI) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He received the B.S. degree from Zhejiang University, China, in 2000, the M.S. degree from the University of Kiel, Germany, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Basel, Switzerland, in 2007. From 2002 to 2006, he was also with the Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology (LMN), Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). He joined the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland as a postdoctoral fellow in 2007, and as a senior scientist from 2009 to 2012. He then joined CUHK in 2012 as an Assistant Professor.

His main research interests include micro-/nanorobotics and their biomedical applications, and functional materials for sensors, actuators and practical applications. Dr. Zhang is a senior member of IEEE, who has won several awards or in the Finalist from IEEE international conferences including ICRA IROS, ROBIO and NANOMED. Since 2004 he has authored and co-authored over 200 papers, including Science Robotics, Science Advances, and Nature Communications. Several of his journal papers have been indexed as ISI highly cited papers, and/or highlighted in Science or Nature. He won the Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Early Career Award in 2013, and the CUHK Young Researcher Award 2017. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH), IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), and several other journals from IEEE, IET, Springer Nature and SAGE Publishing.

Selected publications

1. L.D. Yang, J. F, Yu, L. Zhang*, Statistics-based automated control for a swarm of paramagnetic
nanoparticles in 2D space, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 36, Issue 1, 254-270, 2020.
2. J. F. Yu, D. D. Jin, K. F. Chan, Q. Q. Wang, K. Yuan, L. Zhang*, Active generation and magnetic
actuation of microrobotic swarms in bio-fluids, Nature Communications, Vol. 10, 5631, 2019,
3. Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Yang, C. I. Vong, K. F. Chan, W. Wu, T. Kwong, N. Lo, M. Ip, S. H. Wong, J.
J. Y. Sung, P. W. Y. Chiu, L. Zhang*, Real-time Tracking of Fluorescent Magnetic Spore-based
Microrobots for Remote Detection of C. diff Toxins, Science Advances, Vol. 5, eaau9650, 2019.
4. D. D. Jin^, J. F. Yu^, K. Yuan, L. Zhang*, Mimicking the structure and function of ant bridge in
reconfigurable microswarm for electronic applications, ACS Nano, Vol. 13, Issue 5, 5999-6007, 2019.
5. J. Yu, B. Wang, X. Du, Q. Wang and L. Zhang*, Ultra-extensible ribbon-like magnetic microswarm,
Nature Communications, Vol. 9, 3260, 2018. ((highlighted in Nature News)
6. J. Yu, L.D. Yang and L. Zhang*, Pattern generation and motion control of a vortex-like paramagnetic
nanoparticle swarm, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 37, Issue 8, 912 - 930, 2018.
7. Y. Harduf^, D. D. Jin^, Y. Or*, L. Zhang*, Nonlinear parametric excitation effect induces stability
transitions in swimming direction of flexible superparamagnetic microswimmers, Soft Robotics, Vol. 5,
No. 4, 389 - 398, 2018.
8. X. Yan, Q. Zhou, M. Vincent, Y. Deng, J.F. Yu, J. Xu, T. Xu, T. Tang, L. Bian, Y. Wang, K. Kostarelos,
L. Zhang*, Multifunctional biohybrid magnetite microrobots for imaging-guided therapy Science
Robotics, Vol. 2, eaaq1155, 2017. (ISI Highly Cited Paper, highlighted by Hong Kong RGC
YouTube Channel, and in Science News AAAS)
9. J. F. Yu, T. T. Xu, Z. Y. Lu, C. I. Vong, L. Zhang*, On-demand Disassembly of Paramagnetic
Nanoparticle Chains for Microrobotic Cargo Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2017, Vol. 33,
Issue 5, 1213-1225, 2017.
10. L. Zhang, J. J. Abbott, L. X. Dong, B. E. Kratochvil, D. Bell, B. J. Nelson*, Artificial Bacterial Flagella:
Fabrication and Magnetic Control, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.94, 064107, 2009. (highlighted in
Nature, News and Views, Miniature devices: Voyage of the microrobots, Vol. 458, 1121-1122, 2009,
ISI Highly Cited Paper). Google Scholar Citations: >830.

Associate Professor
Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Academic discipline: