Research Interests:
Protein folding/aggregation, Proteases, Biochemistry, Protein engineering and structure function relationship of proteins, Environment pollution, Research Communication.
Selected publications
NK. Prasanna Kumari and MV Jagannadham SDS induced molten globule state of heynein, a new thiol protease: Evidence of domains and their sequential unfolding. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2011) 82, 609-615.
NK. Prasanna Kumari and MV. Jagannadham Organic solvent induced refolding of acid denatured heynein: molten: Evidence of domains in the molecular structure of the protein and their sequential unfolding. Journal of Protein and Proteomics (2011) 2, 11- 21.
NK. Prasanna Kumari and MV. Jagannadham Deciphering the molecular structure of cryptolepain in organic solvents. Biochimie (2012) 94, 354-317.
NK.PrasannaKumari and MV. Jagannadham SDS induced refolding of pre-molten globule state of cryptolepain: Differences in and chemical and temperature-induced equilibrium unfolding of SDS-induced state. (2013) 83, 71–80 Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological sciences.
SC. Yadav, NK. Prasanna Kumari and MV. Jagannadham Deglycosylated milin unfolds via inactive monomeric intermediates. Eur Biophys J (2010) 39, 1581-1588.
R. Bhowmick, NK. Prasanna Kumari, and MV. Jagannadham AM. Kayastha Purification and characterization of a novel protease from the latex of Pedilanthus tithymaloides Protein & Peptide Letters (2008) 15, 1009-1016.
M. Pande, NK. Prasanna Kumari, VK. Dubey, P. Tripathi and MV. Jagannadham stability and unfolding studies on alkaline denatured state (Ip) of Pepsin: Process Biochemistry (2009 ) 44, 906-911.