Siddha Medicine is one among the ancient, scientific, traditional Medical systems of the world. It is being practiced in the Tamil speaking areas of India. Recently the Central Government of India started the National Institute of Siddha (N.I.S) at Madras, which was declared open by Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India.
Siddha Materia Medica:
The Materia Medica (Pharmacology) of Siddha is divided into three major classes’ namely Herbal kingdom, Metals and Minerals and Animal kingdom. The system has classified separately classes of metals and alloys, which melt when, heated and solidifies on cooling. These include items like gold, silver, copper, tine, lead and iron. These are incinerated by special processes and used in medicine.
Sulphur, which is insoluble in water, finds a crucial place in Siddha Materia Medica along with mercury for use in therapeutics and in maintenance of health.
There is a group of drugs that exhibit sublimation on heating and includes mercury and its different forms like red sulphide of mercury, mercuric chloride and red oxide of mercury etc.
Savveera Chendooram:
The test drug “Saveera Chendooram” is made as per the procedure found in the ancient Siddha literatures. It has the combination of Mercuric Chloride (purified)” and “Borax (purified)”. Purification forms a very important role in the preparation since mercuric chloride is described as a highly toxic material (causing nephro-toxicity). It is purified with tender coconut and camphor. This drug has already proven Anti-microbial properties. Pharmacological screening revealed that the drug has got potent Anti-inflammatory (both acute and chronic), Anti-pyretic and Analgesic actions.
Research done by Dr. Thomas M.Walter, MD,
Asst.Lecturer, Dept. of Pharmacology (U.G.)
The Dept of Pharmacology (Post Graduate Study Center)
Govt. Siddha Medical College Hospital
Palayamkottai, T.N. India.