21 Jul 2010
The Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) is a body set up with a mission that encompasses pursuit, encouragement and enhancement of excellence in the fields of science, engineering and technology for the development of the nation and the benefit of mankind.
14 Jul 2010
Adolescent male mice are particularly susceptible to cannabis-induced psychosis, reports a study published online this week in Neuropsychopharmacology, indicating that age at exposure and genotype are important factors.
05 Jul 2010
Memorandum of Agreement signed on Thursday, April 29, 2010.
30 Jun 2010
Supernova diversity explained by asymmetric explosions; Big potatoes the organic way; The roots of multicellular life; Efficient conservation of our futures; Genetic basis for balding disease; First feats of an ultra-intense X-ray laser; The genetics of new species; Add nitrogen to get the opposite effect; Beware mice with ‘come to bed’ eyes
30 Jun 2010
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has made a head start in Medical Biometrics researches, with the development of several state-of-the-art authentication and medical diagnosis tools based on the concept of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
23 Jun 2010
Ten years after the announcement of the draft human-genome sequence, Nature’s survey of more than 1,000 life scientists reveals that, for many, biology will never be the same again.
23 Jun 2010
Hazwanie Hashim, a PhD student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM, Malaysia, won her gold with her research UGT1A1^PROMISE Kit for Personalized Treatment of Irinotecan Therapy in Colorectal Cancer.
21 Jun 2010
Insulin-secreting islet cells in the pancreas possess an inherent ‘clock’, and diabetes mellitus may be triggered when the clock fails, a Nature paper suggests.
16 Jun 2010
Summaries of newsworthy papers include: The Drillers are Coming; War of the Machines; DNA Drugs Grow Up; How Babies Think
09 Jun 2010
This week in Nature, Stephen Scherer and the Autism Genome Project Consortium describe the results of a genetic analysis of the largest assemblage of families with autism spectrum disorder.
30 May 2010
Asia Research News highlights interesting research from selected institutions in Asia. Interesting articles in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Technology, Language, Environment, Society, Health and Medicine and Health Technology.
21 May 2010
On March 18–19, RIKEN held its second symposium on biosupercomputing in downtown Tokyo, focusing on new directions in life science research made possible by high-performance supercomputing
19 May 2010
The average health status of people who drink low or moderate amounts of alcohol is better than tee-totallers suggests a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
18 May 2010
Genome wide association studies dominate human genetic research today, but why have the variants identified explained so little of the heritability of common disorders such as diabetes and heart disease?
10 May 2010
The National Innovation Agency (NIA) recognizes an innovation by Prince of Songkla University, the PSU-Carpal Tunnel Retractor developed by Asst. Prof. Sunton Wongsiri, MD., Assoc. Prof. Boonsin Tangtrakulwanich, MD., Asst. Prof. Sitichok Anantaseri, MD., Porames Suwanno, MD., Varah Yuenyongviwat, MD., and Ekkarin Wongsiri
10 May 2010
IDRC is the Government of Canada’s lead for its new $225 million Development Innovation Fund, an initiative aimed at bringing together Canadian and developing-country scientists, and the private sector, to tackle persistent health challenges facing poor countries.
10 May 2010
MALAYSIA'S bid to be an exporter of quality tertiary education will see Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) establish an offshore presence in India by the middle of this year.
05 May 2010
This application is for the “surgical visual field enhancer apparatus”
15 Mar 2010
From Asia, Shizuo Akira of Osaka University in Japan and Ji-Huan He from Donghua University in Shanghai, China are on the list.
07 Mar 2010
Penang, 3 March - Not only can this treatment module help to overcome the problem of vertigo but patients do not have to go to the hospital as they can carry out this treatment in the comfort of their own homes.
05 Mar 2010
1 in every 10 people world-wide suffers from vertigo to the point where it affects their quality of life. In Malaysia, 1.9 million people are estimated to be suffering from the same problem and to date there is no comprehensive treatment to help them overcome their problem.
03 Mar 2010
The USM Health Campus became fully fully ISO certified when it received the MS ISO 9001:2008 certification from Moody International today.
26 Feb 2010
Humor is a potentially educative tool that is capable of leaving a lasting impression during the conveyance of a particular message.
24 Feb 2010
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) had been entrusted with the task of jointly carrying out research with several agencies including the University of Parma, Italy to produce drugs to treat malaria.
19 Feb 2010
According to the National Cancer Register Report, in 2006 alone, more than 26 000 new cancer cases were detected in Peninsular Malaysia. This means 1 in every 5.5 Malaysians is expected to contract the disease.
17 Feb 2010
The complete genome sequences of an indigenous hunter-gatherer from Namibia’s Kalahari Desert and of a Bantu from southern Africa are presented in this week’s Nature. Alongside these genomes are presented the sequences of the protein-coding regions from three other hunter-gatherer groups from the Kalahari.
12 Feb 2010
The official result of the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) campus election session 2009/2010 witnessed the dissolution of several candidates’ victory due to breaching of campaign etiquette stipulated for student representatives council (MPP) election.
12 Feb 2010
Call for Nominations 2010
Deadline:Noon, Tuesday 23 March 2010 (Japan local time)
11 Feb 2010
HAVANA, Feb. 10 - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and the Finlay Institute of Cuba created history by signing the Agreement for the collaboration and joint production of the halal tetravalent meningococcal ACW135Y vaccine.