Population Council researchers have found that exposure to low levels of phthalates can alter the levels of testosterone (the male sex hormone), increase the proliferation of cells in the testes, and significantly accelerate the onset of male puberty.
WCS conservationists are working to minimise human-bear conflict. In this test, the bears could not open the canister, designed to secure food and garbage near campsites and thus reduce the number of human-bear encounters in the process.
This paper examines the post 9/11 US-led global war on terror and its unaccounted impacts on ordinary people’s lives, especially women’s, in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
07 Sep 2005
The cyclone which struck Bangladesh on the night of 29-30, April, 1991 was particularly severe causing widespread damage, killing 138,882 people.Total loss has been estimated at US$2.07 billion dollars for all sectors.
The Sasagawa Project is the first systematized deinstitutionalization project in Japan that aims to make the transition from hospital to residential living while ensuring both the quality and continuity of care for the patients.
It is the goal of today’s antiaging medicine to forestall disease and aging long enough for people to utilize the powerful biotechnology and nanotechnology therapies which have the potential to greatly extend longevity.
This preliminary study on the drug Pandanus Tectorius has been experimentally studied to prove the statement told in Traditional Indian Medicine (Siddha) literatures for its uterine stimulant action.
Scientists working in an isolated region in Iran, recently discovered that a remote camera set out to survey wildlife had photographed an entire family of extremely rare Asiatic cheetahs.
In this study, a Siddha drug, “Saveera Chendooram” which was prepared as per the procedure mentioned in the ancient Siddha literatures is subjected to Anti-microbial sensitivity testing.
Merely taking calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K supplements may not be enough to prevent astronauts developing osteoporosis during or after space flight.
This research identified a new response factor triggered by intracellular sensors of many types of viruses, which may open up new ways of enhancing our ability to fight infections.
The first volume examines issues of the natural environment and its impact upon human life. The second volume addresses trade and sustainable development, globalization and the WTO in the context of people’s livelihoods, and governance issues.
Wages are low, the hours long irregular, and the work repetitive and often hazardous. There is a concentration of women and children, particularly girls, in the work force.
The Jonathan B. Postel Service Award was established by the Internet Society to honor a person who has made outstanding contributions in Internet services. Dr. Murai is the first winner of this award from Asia.
H5N1 and H1N1 are high on the international agenda due to fears that it could lead to the next worldwide human flu pandemic. See here for Experts and press releases.
This study finds that household income, child’s age, premature births, and average number of births turn out to be significant predictors of child survival in Pakistan.
Conventional methods of health care financing through tax revenues have failed to meet the health care needs of all, resulting in differential access to health care facilities by different income groups.