Mining is carried out in India in different geological, topographical, and climatological settings. As a result, a variety of environmental management practices, suitable for individual mineral deposits and locations have been developed.
A simplified strategy for modifying complex sugar molecules, could dramatically increase the ease and speed with which scientists tackle important issues relating to tumor detection and the pathology of infectious diseases.
Commercial haemosthetic agents available in the market are expensive and most of them are produced from animal gelatine and therefore not acceptable for some segments of the community
Chemists have invented an efficient way to incorporate oxygen directly from the air into the hydrocarbon molecules found in oil and gas; Scientists reveal how arranging dopants into regular arrays can improve device performance
Academics and physicians who write the rules on how to prescribe drugs have extensive financial connections with the pharmaceutical industry, according to an investigation by Nature.
Some patients who suffer a right-hemisphere stroke develop a syndrome called 'neglect', in which they ignore the entire left side of their bodies. Researchers have found that this is caused by intact areas of the brain connected to the damaged areas.
USM researchers have produced a biopolymer with superior properties from palm kernel oil. In terms of cost, the production of this bioplastic is much more lower than other kinds of bioplastics available in the market.
It seems possible to prevent I-R injury by the administration of some medicament before reperfusion and by regulation of endogenous antioxidant enzymes.
High-resolution satellite images of the recent earthquake in Pakistan have been pulled from the websites of international agencies and relief organizations.
A study was conducted in 96 females suffering from PMS. Behavioral symptoms appearing during PMS were noticed. It was found that there is a substantial link between PMS and behavior alterations. Depression, aggression, irritability etc.
This technology involves the detection and conversion of the gases evolved from fire such as carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide on the pellet via catalytic reaction.
The conference will bring together scholars, researchers and practitioners working with language, communication, and culture across all fields of inquiry.
Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is the most important water-soluble cellulose derivative with many application in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, detergent, textile, paper and many other industries.
Young boys were allegedly kidnapped and kept under illegal custody for months together. After demoralization had set in due to prolonged confinement, surgery was done on their private parts and female hormones were given to the persons.
USM bagged 8 gold medals, 6 silver medals and 2 bronze medals as well as 2 special jury awards namely the Special Award for ICT and the Special Award for Best Joint Venture.
The age of ossification of different centers at wrist joint i.e. Carpals and lower ends of radius and ulna have been studied in pediatric age group in central Rajasthan. The study included 244 healthy children of both sexes up to 12 years of age
The paper raises the possibility that the current prophylactic regimen for Tamiflu (oseltamivir) may have contributed to the emergence of partial resistance to the drug in a Vietnamese patient.
Researchers describe the discovery in China of a bowl of beautifully preserved, thin yellow noodles that are half a metre long and about 4,000 years old.
More from Nature - Abnormal chromosome numbers produce tumours; Short-term earthquake prediction still elusive; South American dinosaur updates family tree; Viruses energize host cells