Press releases

Content is provided by our community of institutions, partners, researchers and journalists.

Nature Publishing Group
31 Jul 2005
Batten down the hatches; Faster sequencing of DNA; Targeting the transcription start site of DNA; A new way to silence genes.
University of the Philippines Diliman
29 Jul 2005
The Philippine Association for Home Economics in State Colleges and Universities (PAHESCU) Journal is now accepting articles/research papers for its April 2006 publications.
Society of Environmental Journalists-Nepal(SEJ-Nepal)
28 Jul 2005
The Society of Environmental Journalists-Nepal (SEJ-Nepal) would like to collaborate with international partners on media awareness training.
Nature Publishing Group
27 Jul 2005
In a special Outlook on India in this week's Nature, K.S. Jayaraman investigates how the industry will respond to new guidelines from WTO and what it can do to tackle the problems it faces.
Nature Publishing Group
27 Jul 2005
A commonly used drug could have the power to extinguish the trauma associated with horrific memories
Nature Publishing Group
27 Jul 2005
Humans can learn without remembering; How the Earth's insides stay warm; Genes responsible for breast cancer metastasis identified; The age of the Amazon's breath; Hybridization throws up new animal species; Parasites give caterpillars a taste for revenge
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)
27 Jul 2005
Abstracts followed by papers are invited for the sub-themes under the major themes of Women's/Gender Issues; Livelihoods; WTO and Governance; Health; Peace and People's Rights; Child labor.
Nature Publishing Group
24 Jul 2005
Biology: A structure of antidepressants' binding sites; Botany: A twist on corn-on-the-cob; Fast diodes speed up organic electronics; Small doses go a long way; Interfering with HIV.
ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
22 Jul 2005
A report of a volunteer study in Bangladeshi adults of a candidate oral cholera vaccine, Peru-15, has been shown to be safe and effective.
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
21 Jul 2005
The low-lying coastal areas are particularly vulnerable, thus placing these population, infrastructure, agriculture, livestock and economic development in a high-risk situation.
ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
21 Jul 2005
It is the most frequent bacterial cause of diarrhoea in children and adults living in the developing world and also the most common cause of traveller's diarrhea.
Nature Publishing Group
19 Jul 2005
GPS data confirm huge dimension of Boxing Day quake; Genes shine light on mosquito bacterial infections; Mutants arise from Sleeping Beauty; Birds' ancestors showed modern breathing mode; Three's a crowd; Raptors fly the flag for biodiversity
Nature Publishing Group
19 Jul 2005
SARS receptor identified in vivo; Insights into the carbon trade; Nitric oxide targets cysteine; Understanding a side effect of TZDs; TACI is mutant in common variable immunodeficiency and IgA deficiency; Genetic influences on anxiety.
Nature Publishing Group
19 Jul 2005
Dry dust on Mars; Missions to Mars part 2; Cigarette brain boost inseparable from addiction; An amplified difference in melanoma cells; What the retina doesn't tell the brain; Slow breeders need more space; Sound analysis reveals didgeridoo secrets
De La Salle University
18 Jul 2005
This paper presents new approach of Genetic algorithm (GA) to solve constrained optimization problem.
De La Salle University
18 Jul 2005
In the Philippines, only a handful of companies have adopted ABC in their strategy formulations and little is known about it. This research focuses on the implementation of ABC, the benefits derived and the problems encountered in using the system.
De La Salle University
18 Jul 2005
The Vision and Praxis of Nothingness and Unity in the Spirituality of Chiara Lubich is a qualitative inquiry using the descriptive and evaluative methodology which takes into account the spiritual, theological and pedagogical dimensions.
De La Salle University
18 Jul 2005
The theories and practices of capitalism in different places and periods produced various theories and practices of welfare which have implications for the understanding and practice of compassion/apathy and solidarities/alienations and capitalism
Nature Publishing Group
18 Jul 2005
Cause of heart valve disease identified; Developing new cellular modules; A selective gene-repression probe; DNA adopts a new fold; Susceptibility to obesity and diabetes; Synaptic damage in Alzheimer disease; Tickling nerves prevents inflammation.
ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
17 Jul 2005
The Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI), announces a Request for Proposals (RFP). The deadline for submitting proposals is 5 pm Bangladesh time July 31, 2005
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
16 Jul 2005
Many observers have attempted to persuade Bangladesh that there exist multiple energy sources available at reasonable cost and that, accordingly, the government should approve the export of natural gas. That is not our conclusion.
National University of Singapore
12 Jul 2005
Researchers in NUS discover how nitric oxide protects brain cells from dying
Nature Publishing Group
12 Jul 2005
1) An outbreak of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus has been spotted in wild migratory geese in western China; (2) Researchers identify a crucial receptor that the Nipah virus relies on to infect human cells.
De La Salle University
12 Jul 2005
This study found that over time and constant communication, texters developed a unique Filipino style of texting. It also found that the texters' age, sex and work were main predictors of texting style.
Nanyang Technological University
12 Jul 2005
Two recent innovations by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) look set to revolutionize biomedical treatment
Universiti Sains Malaysia
08 Jul 2005
Universities urged to take a pro-active role in raising awareness on Energy and Environment among students
Bethesda CAM Research Center
Bethesda CAM Research Center
06 Jul 2005
This page is a simple catalogue of 124 medicinal herbs frequently used by CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine). This section is aimed at helping to give an idea regarding the herbs used for medicinal purpose.
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
02 Jul 2005
United Nations Volunteers Programme Assignment - Wetland Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use In China Project. Contact: Ms Doris Vogl <[email protected]>
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
02 Jul 2005
United Nations Volunteers Programme Assignment - Wetland Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use In China Project. Contact: Ms Doris Vogl <[email protected]>
Asia Research News Logo
Asia Research News
02 Jul 2005
United Nations Volunteers Programme Assignment - Wetland Biodiversity Conservation And Sustainable Use In China Project. Contact: Ms Doris Vogl <[email protected]>