Dr. So Iwata

Dr. So Iwata is a Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University and the Group Director of the SACLA Science Research Group, RIKEN SPring-8 Center. He has investigated how specialized membrane channels remove antimicrobial drugs from inside bacterial cells.

Dr. So Iwata is a Professor at the Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University and also serves as Group Director of the SACLA Science Research Group, RIKEN SPring-8 Center. Using his expertise on protein crystallography, he has investigated how specialized membrane channels remove antimicrobial drugs from inside bacterial cells.

He was the Chair of Membrane Protein Crystallography at the Imperial College London from 2000-2015 and served as a Diamond Fellow at Diamond Light Source, Oxford. His current research lab at Kyoto University allows him to continue cooperating with the two UK-based institutions. Aside from X-ray crystallography of membrane proteins, his other research interests include macromolecular assemblies, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) and protein crystallography using free electron lasers.

Selected publications

So Iwata
Graduate School of Medicine
Other affiliation
Group Director (SACLA Science Research Group) RIKEN
Academic disciplines: