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21 Jun 2016
A researcher at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) is studying the ancient Japanese culture of “ama” – women who traditionally free-dive in the sea in search of seaweed, lobsters, snail “turbo” shells and, in the distant past, pearls – and its potential connections to Philippine maritime cultures.
07 Jun 2016
Pilot study lays the groundwork for future non-invasive diagnosis of bacterial infections.
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06 Jun 2016
The IBS Center for Genome Editing published two studies at once in Nature Biotechnology, showing Cpf1’s superiority as a precise genome editing tool with no unintended mutations.
06 Jun 2016
Call for papers: Special Issue Exploring the University Industry Government Relationship issues in Malaysia
Day 2
06 Jun 2016
Nispana’s “APAC Cyber Security Summit 2016 ( 2- 3 June 2016), successfully concluded today at the Double Tree, Hotel by Hilton at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the presence of Mr. Christophe Durand, Head- Cyber Strategy, INTERPOL and Mr. Benoit Godart- Head of Outreach & Support, European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) EUROPOL.
03 Jun 2016
Kuala Lumpur witnessed the largest cyber security gathering yesterday at the APAC Cyber Security Summit 2016 which was hosted at the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2 &3 June, 2016)
02 Jun 2016
Training & Development Asia 2016 is a two-day regional conference for HR managers and senior learning & development specialists which will take place in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore in June.
27 May 2016
Aid International Development Forum (AIDF) has released an infographic on healthcare in South East Asia (SEA). The infographic provides an overview of current health threats, including those related to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), trends in financin¬g for health focus areas as well as gaps in development assistance.
23 May 2016
Complimentary participation to ResearchSEA readers! AIDF Asia Summit is fast approaching and you are invited to learn about current initiatives and latest trends around aid delivery and development in the South East Asia region.
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19 May 2016
Asia Research News magazine is read by researchers, policy makers, business leaders and journalists around the world. Let us showcase your latest discoveries.
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17 May 2016
Scientists at Taylor’s University in Malaysia and the Chinese University of Hong Kong are undertaking interdisciplinary research to understand the food habits of the people of Hong Kong.
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28 Apr 2016
Researchers in Singapore and Hong Kong have created a novel, bacteria-repelling biomaterial that could increase the success of medical implants.
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15 Apr 2016
Researchers have developed artificial whiskers that allow robots to “see” the surroundings in dark and murky places by analysing the way the whiskers respond to water and air flow.
14 Apr 2016
BANGI – Prof Datuk Dr Mohamed Amin Embi, a a professor of technology-enhanced language learning at the Faculty of Education, The National University of Malaysia (UKM) has done the university proud by winning two prestigious international education awards for distance learning and open online courses.
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06 Apr 2016
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) invites outstanding early-career researchers to join one of nine research programs which address some of the most complex challenges facing the world today.
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01 Apr 2016
Graphene layer could allow solar cells to generate power when it rains.
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01 Apr 2016
Malaysian researchers have concluded that mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods is justified, based on an extensive review of international scientific and legal frameworks related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
AIDF Asia Summit
28 Mar 2016
Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, to speak at AIDF Asia Summit 2016 on water and sanitation for effective health response during emergency situations
HR Training
28 Mar 2016
Designed for senior HR professionals from well-respected organisations, Training & Development Asia is an exclusive two-day event that tackles trends in learning & development, innovative shifts in HR technology, organisational change, and the implementation and measurement of the success of talent development programmes.
BIGIT Singapore 2016
26 Mar 2016
Experts from the Big Data & Smart Cities related industries have recently gathered at Marriott Singapore Tang Plaza for the BIGIT Technology Singapore 2016 featuring the 3rd Big Data & Smart Cities World Show conference.
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21 Mar 2016
The Community of Evaluators, South Asia (CoE-SA) – a professional network International Development Research Centre (IDRC), in Canada, helped to establish – played host to the capstone event of the United Nations declared “International Year of Evaluation.”
16 Mar 2016
GIL 2016 Thailand will explore visionary innovation across multiple industry verticals for future growth drivers
22 Feb 2016
Leading Big Data Show in Asia - Driving Conversations and Promoting Big Data Initiatives Regionally
21 Feb 2016
BioPharma Asia Convention is less than 4 weeks away and the event is growing with well over 1,500 registered attendees to date. Readers of ResearchSEA will get a special 15% discount to attend the conference.
21 Feb 2016
Special discount for those signing up under ResearchSEA. Deadline: 29 February 2016
21 Feb 2016
Honorable speakers include Professor Takaharu Tezuka of the world-acclaimed Fuji Kindergarten, John Stewart from the award-winning Green School in Bali, and Chinese pioneers in learning spaces, Professor Zhu Zhi-Ting from East China Normal University and Mr. Liang Senshan from the Ministry of Education of PRC.
16 Feb 2016
Improved agricultural water management could halve the global food gap by 2050 and buffer some of the harmful climate change effects on crop yields.
UM & VINCI Signing
22 Jan 2016
Collaboration to build more high skilled talent in Greater Kuala Lumpur
21 Jan 2016
The 9th annual Biopharma Asia Convention 2016 brings together C-level attendees from pharmas, biotecs and service providers to learn and discuss market trends and biologic development strategies.
20 Jan 2016
Nurses’ workload reduced with the use of this low-cost sensor, while increasing their productivity by 30%; also significantly decreasing the complications of drug infusion via IV therapy


04 Oct 2011
The MMPE offers a forum on modern nano-, micro- and macro-scale aspects of multiphase process engineering, it conceives to organize a participants’ network conducive to greater international research collaborations
17 Oct 2011
ISME KOBE 2011 will be held from 17 to 21 October 2011 in Kobe. The symposium will discuss the progress and future of marine engineering, focusing on the theme “Marine Engineering Technology friendly to Environment, effective to Energy Saving and robust to Economy Crisis”.
28 Mar 2012
The upcoming International Congress on Food Engineering and technology (IFET 2012) will be held in IMPACT Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand during March 28-30, 2012.
24 Oct 2011
This event gathers key players from Japan and abroad in an international conference for discussing the latest trends in the planning and development of Smart Cities. Activities will include a General Meeting, featuring a comprehensive discussion of business models in the Smart City market, as well as numerous exhibitions and seminars.
25 Oct 2011
Since 1994, the international plastic fair remains a comprehensive exhibition of leading plastic and rubber technology, on aspects such as raw materials & additives, molding machines, machines parts and components, and more.
02 Oct 2011
The main theme of this Conference is "Toward Sustainable Water Supply and Recycling Systems.", where water-related sectors including governments, academics, utilities and industries gather together to make beneficial presentations and discussions in various fields related to the theme.
02 Oct 2011
This meeting is aimed at creating a global human network based on trust and providing a framework for open discussions regarding the further progress of science and technology for the benefit of humankind, while controlling ethical, safety and environmental issues resulting from their application
19 Oct 2011
KORANET (Korean scientific cooperation network with the European Research Area) is holding a workshop to provide opportunities for young researchers from the EU and Korea to meet face-to-face for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on entrepreneurship skills, and to explore future areas of research and collaboration.
16 Sep 2011
The ICMST brings together researchers, scientists, engineers, and students to exchange experiences, ideas, research and views on the challenge and solutions in Manufacturing Science and Technology.
10 Sep 2011
There are three conferences in IUMS 2011: the XIII International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology (6-10 September, 2011), the XIII International Congress of Mycology (6-10 September, 2011 and the XV Congress of Virology (11-16 September, 2011). They aim to share ideas and experiences amongst microbiologist in the world.
25 Sep 2011
The UIA World Congress provides architects, engineers, researchers and students with opportunities to discuss the future architecture and cities.
12 Dec 2011
This conference gathers experts to discuss and share news and ideas on the latest development in the fields of Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing.
15 Sep 2011
This Symposium aims to contribute to further research and development in the various fields of leukemia and lymphoma by providing a platform of interaction between researchers and clinicians.
19 Sep 2011
ICFP 2011 provides a forum for researchers and developers to hear about the latest work on the design, implementations, principles, and uses of functional programming. The conference covers the entire spectrum of work, from practice to theory, including its peripheries.
13 Oct 2011
The Hong Kong Electronics Fair is the world’s largest electronic events, with the latest cutting edge electronic goods and technologies on display.
26 Oct 2011
The Eco Expo Asia provides a platform for exhibitors and visitors to do business and network with influential policy-makers from Asia and beyond.
26 Mar 2012
The conference will provide a comprehensive update of the pressure planet Earth is now under. The conference will discuss solutions at all scales to move societies on to a sustainable pathway and will provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio+20.
08 Sep 2011
The Royal Society of Chemistry, in collaboration with A*STAR’s Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline R&D, and with support from the British High Commission in Singapore are organising a symposium on “Contemporary Strategies and Practices in Medicinal Chemistry”.
22 Nov 2011
The first UK-Israel Regenerative Medicine Conference will bring together leading researchers from both countries in the field of regenerative medicine to share latest developments in the field.
15 Jul 2011
The Mekong Program on Water, Environment and Resilience (M-POWER), is calling for concept notes from professionals, researchers, government officials, and others interested in the water resources of the Mekong Region, their management and future.
27 Oct 2011
Showcase knowledge, practices and experiences; Promote networking to stimulate actions and facilitate experiential learning; Link local level adaptation initiatives to national and regional levels.
17 Jul 2011
Stimson Center's Mekong Policy Project will hold an interactive workshop in Bangkok during July 17-19, 2011, focused on current plans for building hydropower dams on the mainstream of the Lower Mekong River.
30 Oct 2011
The conference addresses the issues concerning World-Class Universities from national perspective
05 Jul 2011
This event identifies key recent events and emerging trends on BioPharmaceuticals in Asia.
14 Aug 2011
4-days conference in fostering international collaborations and strategies on artificial photosynthesis
20 May 2011
ITEX is the leading exhibition in Asia features the latest inventions and innovations from Asia and Europe countries
19 Oct 2011
The 2nd International Congress of Oil Field Chemicals (OFC-2011) with a theme of Green Oilfield Green Chemistry,will be held during October 19-21, 2011, Dalian, China.
05 May 2011
This second workshop in the series will include the following topics: * Nanotech Enabled High Efficiency PV * Nano Imprint Lithography * Nano Carbon Applications * Nano Medicine & Environment, Health and Safety * Green Manufacturing
30 Mar 2011
The Vargas Museum presents the exhibition Echo Studies by Maria Taniguchi. It opens on 30 March 2011, 4pm at the Lobby and West Wing Gallery and ends on 28 May 2011.
12 Jun 2011
The 2011 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW) will be held at Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto, Japan on June 12-13, 2011.


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