For more information on MINT’s R&D activities, please contact Dr Nahrul at the
Contact link above. (Link is active to registered users)
Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) is a government research institute that carries out research and development in the applications of nuclear and related technologies for industrial plant testing and evaluation, industrial processing, agriculture, medical and environment.
Some of its R&D projects include
- Decontamination of Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals Using Radiation
- Controlled Release Technology of Agrochemicals for Tropical Agriculture
- Hydrogel for Clinical Application
- Gamma Irradiation on Bone Allograft
- Behaviour and Fate of Pesticides in Vegetables
- Breeding of New Varieties of Bananas (Pisang Mas)
- Impact of Pesticides on Agroecosystems
- Improvement of Pest and Disease Control for Lansium (Dokong)
- Mutation Breeding for Improvement of Fruits (Mangosteens and Bananas)
- Aluminium Matrix Composite for Automotive and Aerospace Application
- Life-time Engineering of Silicon by Electron Irradiation in Power Devices Fabrication
- Expert System for On-Line Nuclear Process Control
- Study of Orthopaedic Implant System
- Ho-166 as a Radiotherapeutic Agent
- New Radiopharmaceuticals
- Radioimmunodiagnostic and Radioimmunotherapeutic Kits for Nuclear Medicine
- Gamma Irradiation for Mites on Cut Flowers
- Induced Mutation and In Vitro Mutagenesis of Ornamental Plants
- Heat-Shrinkable Compound
- Enhanced Properties of Thermoplastic Natural Rubber (TPNR)
- Chemical Characterization of Air Particulate Matter
- Ceramics Catalytic Support and Catalytic Converter for Gas Purification
- Estuaries and Coastal Management Studies
- Minimization of Thorium Waste
- Marine Contamination and Transport Phenomena
- Soil Erosion
- Nuclear Techniques in Pollutants Transport Study in Groundwater System
- Radioactive Tracer Study in Secondary Petroleum Recovery
MINT has 6 main R&D Divisions. They are the
- Industrial Technology
- Medical Technology
- Agro technology and Biosciences
- Special projects
- Radiation Processing Technology
- Technical Services
A short background on each division is given below:
Industrial Technology Division
The MINT Industrial Technology Division specialises in Compaction Control for Civil Engineering Works, Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete and Civil Engineering Structures, Troubleshooting and Investigation of Industrial Process Components, Ultrasonic Imaging Systems for Non-Destructive Inspection
For example, MINT’s Nuclear Moisture-Density Gauge is a quicker and easier method for measuring field density and other properties of construction material compared to traditional invasive and time consuming methods. Their services are often required for preliminary construction of Highways, Airports, parking lots, reclaimed land and many more.
Medical Technology Division
The Medical Technology Division (MTD) has been involved in Research and Technology Development (R&TD) of medical products particularly in the production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals for use in nuclear medicine since the early 80’s. They have developed more than 11 different types of generic Tc-99m radiopharmaceuticals. Current R&TD activities are in the area of nuclear medicine, biomedical materials, biopharmacy, natural products and medical imaging.
MTD’s Research & Development achievements include Development of advanced drug delivery systems, Bone graft substitutes, Development and production of monoclonal antibody (immunodiagnostic & immunotherapeutic), Blood products (plasma fractionation), Development of new radio pharmaceuticals, Development of anti-cancer herbal products, Development of plants from which anti-cancer drugs are derived, Development of anti-diabetics herbal products, Development of Malaysian-Filmless Diagnostic Radiography Device, 3D Image reconstruction from panoramic dental x-rays, Patient dose reduction in diagnostic radiology,
Agro technology and Biosciences Division
The Agro technology and Biosciences Division, Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT), focuses on research in the agriculture and bio- industry. Its services include Banana tissue culture seedling, plant micro propagation, Flowcytometer for nuclear DNA content analysis in plant, New ornamental varieties seedling, Pesticide residue analysis, Assessment of fertilizer efficiency for smart agro management
Its R&D projects include Mutagenesis and plant biotechnology studies, DNA markers and flow cytometry development in producing new varieties of ornamental plants and food crops, Product development from agricultural waste, Animal feed production, Hydrogel production. There is also an annual "MINT Flora Day" which is held to acknowledge new mutants and varieties discovery.
Radiation Processing Technology
Radiation Technology is an industrial processing technology for product manufacturing, material modification, sterilization and environmental preservation. The MINT Radiation Processing Technology Division (BTPS) specialises in the applications of radiation technology.
R&D Activities of Radiation Technology Division include modifications of sago starch for healthcare and cosmetics, blending polymers e.g. natural rubber and polyolefin, nanogel for hard and high scratch and abrasion resistance coatings, synthesis of new resins from palm oil and natural rubber, electron beam technology for treatment of organic pollutants and wastewater and purification of flue gases, dioxin, and VOC
Its products include:
- Heat and fire resistant compounds for heat shrinkable tubing, wire and cable insulation
- Radiation resistant PVC for medical products such as blood bag, tubing etc.
- Sago starch hydrogel for wound dressing
- Biodegradable plastic films and foams from sago starch
- Radiation (UV and EB) curable resins from palm oil
- Pressure Sensitive Adhesive from palm oil based resins
- Rubberwood and Empty fruit bunch fibers reinforced polypropylene composites compounds
Technical Services
Part of MINT’s Technical Services include MIREC, a leading reference centre in combustion, incineration and other related thermal engineering research in Malaysia.
MIREC (MINT Incineration and Renewable Energy Center) is one of the research facilities available at MINT to carry out and provide services on matters related to solid waste management. MIREC was set up in line with the Malaysian Government's emphasis on enhancing the production of renewable energy couple with the urgent call to solve domestic solid waste problems.
MIREC is actively involved in research ranging from the fundamentals of solid waste management process to the final impact of the pollutants to the environment and human. A part from these, the group is also looking into the potential of recovering energy produce during these process. The goals of the research are, but not limited to:
Research in MIREC include Combustion process diagnosis and control, Emission control with input changes, Fate of elements, Dioxin formation and destruction, Production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), Energy from biomass, Oil sludge treatment, Vitrification and plasma technology, Development of thermal treatment technology for commissioning scale, Harnessing the potentials of fuel cell and other renewable energy sources, Recommendation and establishment for standard test methods for waste and air pollution monitoring, Design and modelling of waste treatment facilities.