22 Jan 2024
We may not think about it while doing it, but our nervous system is directing our bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and more to move as efficiently as possible at varying speeds. Replicating this in robots is notoriously difficult. But now, Tohoku University researchers have created a model that makes this possible, thanks in large part to an innovative algorithm.
15 Jan 2024
Unleashing stem cells from dog urine, Electronic Tongue, Tapping into human motion energy, How neurons network, and A radical use for plastic bags. Plus Communicating science two decades on. Read all in the latest Editor's Choice.
29 Dec 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a dragon-like robot that can fight fires, how having a pet can avoid cognitive decline, and how an illusion can help us learn motor skills.
26 Dec 2023
- Professor Kyung-In Jangâs research team at DGIST has developed a complex taste sensor that mimics the gustatory system and detects saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and sweetness in real-time.
- It is expected to be applied in various fields, including the food, cosmetics, and medicine industries
15 Dec 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a motorized tentacle you can wear on your finger, a star that came from a long way away and a long time ago, and a new champion in the competition for the fastest robo-quadruped.
13 Dec 2023
"Amaterasu" particle: a new cosmic mystery, Geckos inspire robotic device, Targeting cancer while protecting healthy cells, Honey, I shrunk the bear, Two species lost to science spotted again. Plus New Science Communication Resources. Read all in the latest Editor's Choice.
08 Dec 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are how eels can transfer DNA, older babies falling for tricks that younger ones do not, and a crystal layer deep in the Earth.
08 Dec 2023
- The team successfully developed an imperceptive surface electromyography (sEMG) sensor that can be stably used in the silicone liner within the socket of a robotic prosthetic leg
- The sensor transmits electromyographic signals wirelessly in a stable manner from a walking amputee to a robotic prosthetic leg for better control
- Research results were published in the prestigious academic journal npj Flexible Electronics
10 Nov 2023
Researchers develop a technique to allow fragile objects to be transferred and released by robotics, without damage, while using a gecko inspired adhesive.
09 Nov 2023
A research team led by Osaka University used 125 physical markers to understand the detailed mechanics of 44 different human facial motions. The aim was to better understand how to convey emotions with artificial faces. Beyond helping with the design of robots and androids, this research can also benefit computer graphics, facial recognition, and medical diagnoses.
03 Nov 2023
- An enhanced control technology for robotic upper and lower limbs has been developed through the development of a new type of hybrid bionic nerve interface that integrates a regenerative peripheral nerve interface (RPNI) and a peripheral nerve interface (PNI)
- The technology is expected to play an important role in the neuroprosthetic rehabilitation of amputee patients and the peripheral nerve interface
- The studyâs results have been published in the esteemed academic journal âAdvanced Scienceâ
03 Nov 2023
- A demonstration was held on September 21 at the Goheung Drone Center in Goheung-gun, Jeollanam-do
- This anti-drone radar, developed only with domestic technology, has the worldâs highest level of technology... K-defense proudly making its inroads in the world
27 Oct 2023
To quickly and accurately characterize prospective materials for use in solar energy, researchers built an automated system to perform laboratory experiments and used machine learning to help analyze the data they recorded. Their goal is to identify semiconductor materials for use in photovoltaic solar energy, which are highly efficient and have low toxicity.
04 Oct 2023
Insect cyborgs may sound like something straight out of the movies, but hybrid insect computer robots, as they are scientifically called, could pioneer a new future for robotics. It involves using electrical stimuli to control an insectâs movement. Now, an international research group has conducted a study on the relationship between electrical stimulation in stick insects' leg muscles and the resulting torque (the twisting force that causes the leg to move).
14 Sep 2023
- Team led by Professor Choi Hong-Soo at DGIST enhances the effects of magnetic hyperthermia and particle penetration into cancer cells through the chain disassembly mechanism of magnetic nanoparticles induced by magnetic fields and magnetic propulsion.
- Expected to play a major role in targeted drug delivery for cancer treatment through research related to magnetic carriers.
- The research findings have been published in ACS Nano, a top-tier journal in the field of materials science.
01 Sep 2023
Tubificine worms inhabit the sediments of lakes and rivers. They can form into blobs that behave like a single organism to adapt to extreme environmental conditions. Recreating an uneven and confined terrain, a group of scientists has recently studied the collective movement of worm blobs.
23 Aug 2023
The search for innovative materials will be greatly assisted by software that can suggest new experimental possibilities and also control the robotic systems that check them out.
29 Jun 2023
The brain is a highly efficient, sophisticated information processing system. To achieve maximum efficiency, it can store reservoirs of interconnected nodes that transform input signals into a more complex representation. This has inspired a theoretical computational model known as reservoir computing. A research team has recently harnessed this model to analyze the computational capabilities of an artificially cultured brain composed of neurons derived from the cerebral cortex of rats.
29 May 2023
Researchers from Osaka University show how their multilegged walking robot can be steered by inducing a dynamic instability. By making the couplings between segments more flexible, the robot changes from walking straight to moving in a curved path. This work can lead to more energy-efficient and reliable robotic navigation of terrain.
14 Apr 2023
We typically think of robots as metal objects, filled with motors and circuits. But the field of molecular robotics is starting to change that. Like the formation of complex living organisms, molecular robots derive their form and functionality from assembled molecules stored in a single unit, i.e., a body. Yet manufacturing this body at the microscopic level is an engineering nightmare. Now, a Tohoku University team has created a simple workaround.
31 Mar 2023
- The 2021 paper from the research team of Professor Dongwon Yoon of the Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST) was selected as the cover paper for the 10th anniversary edition of the top Soft Robotics Journal
- Recognized for excellence in robot hand technology that is as flexible and delicate as a human hand combined with a âflexure hingeâ
31 Mar 2023
- Research teams led by Professor Hongsoo Choi and Professor Yongseok Oh from DGIST joined the research team led by Dr. Jongcheol Rah from Korea Brain Research Institute to develop the technology for delivering a microrobot to a target point of a hippocampus in an in-vitro environment, connecting neural networks, and measuring neural signals
- The research findings are expected to contribute to neural network research and the verification and analysis of cell therapy products
16 Mar 2023
Annual innovation event brings together global innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers and scientists, and experts from various fields and industries to showcase their latest innovations, share ideas, and collaborate with industries to develop better technologies and solutions to shape our future. This is also a platform for innovators to meet potential investors and partners.
28 Feb 2023
A new apparatus uses electromagnets to remotely control guidewires through tiny, tortuous blood vessels for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
24 Feb 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a robotic hand with a magic touch, a solution to reduce the negative effects of screen time in children, and a team charting dung beetles.
17 Feb 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are the discovery of a dinosaur larynx, 3D-printed contact lenses that use AR, and a leggy robot spider that can fly.
14 Feb 2023
- An overview of the methodology for using holography in precision medicine
09 Feb 2023
A research team led by an associate professor at Tohoku University has developed a microscopic fiber equipped with actuators and biochemical sensors. The breakthrough could be used to develop smart catheters and lead to further advancement in robotics.

31 Jan 2023
Enhancing the virtual experience with the touch sensation has become a hot topic, but todayâs haptic devices remain typically bulky and tangled with wires. A team led by the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) researchers recently developed an advanced wireless haptic interface system, called WeTac, worn on the hand, which has soft, ultrathin soft features, and collects personalised tactile sensation data to provide a vivid touch experience in the metaverse.
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