Dr. Abdullah Al-Mahdi
Professor and Head of Microbiology and Immunology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Lincoln University College (LUC) Malaysia.
BSc. Microbiology (Saudi Arabia), MSc. & Ph.D. Microbiology (India),
Professor and Head of Microbiology and Immunology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Lincoln University College (LUC) Malaysia.
Former Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine, British University Yemen (BUY).
Former Vice Dean Faculty of Science and Former Head Department of Biology
(Microbiology and Biotechnology), Faculty of Science, University of Sana’a, Yemen.
Founder and President of Yemen Chemical Safety and Security Organization (YCSSO).
General Secretary of Yemen Microbiology Society (YMS).
Member of American Society of Microbiology (ASM).
Selected publications
- Ø 1. Kanavade, V. L. Al-Mahdi, A.Y. and Kapadnis, B.P (2002). Use of Whey for Isolation and Propagation of Acidophilic Actinomycetes with Phosphate Mobilization Ability. J. Maharashtra agric. Uni. 27(2); 168-172.
- Ø 2. Baserisalehi, M. Bahador, N. Augustine, S. K. Al-Mahdi, A. Y. and Kapadnis, B. P. (2004). Enhanced Recovery and Isolation of Campylobacter spp. From Water Using a Novel Device. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 157(1); 241-249.
- Ø 3. Baserisalehi, M. Al-Mahdi, A. Y. and Kapadnis, B. P. (2005). Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Thermophilic Campylobacter spp. Isolated from Environmental Samples. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 23 (1): 48-51.
- Ø 4- Ahmed, L. E. Mahmoud, Abdullah, Y. Al-Mahdi and Hala, J. Al-Jebouri (2011). Enzymatic Activity of Some Fungi Isolated from the Yemeni Agricultural Soils. Asiut University Journal of Botany. 40(2);13-30.
- Ø 5- Abdullah, Y. Al-Mahdi, Ahmed, A. Albana, Nissrin, A. Almeklafi and Saeed, M. Al-Galibi (2011). Bioactivity of Some Actinomycetes Isolated from Yemeni Soils. Thamar University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. A (4); 113-123.
- Ø 6- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ahmed L. E. Mahmoud and Hala J. Al-Jebouri (2012). Biodegradation of Agricultural Plant Residues by Some Fungi Isolated from Yemen. Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 3(1): 41- 51.
- Ø 7- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Qaees Y. M. Abdullah, Anas A. Al- Mahbashi, Abdulrahman A. Homed, Salwa H. Al-Kaeat and Saeed M. Al-Galibi (2012). Inhibition of Mycoparasitic Growth by Filamentous Nonpolyne Chitinolytic Producing Bacteria. International Conference on Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS'2012), Bangkok.
- Ø 8- Qais Y. M. Abdullah; Maher A. Al-Maqtari; Ola, A A. Al-Awadhi and Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, (2016). New Records of Streptomyces and Non-Streptomyces Actinomycetes Isolated from Soils Surrounding Sana'a High Mountain. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences.
- Ø Volume 3, Issue 3; PP 19-31.
- Ø 9- Wedad M. Al-Haik1; Anas A. Al-Mahbash, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, May M.E. Mohamed, Ahmed M. Al-Haddad (2016). Genotypic Characteristics of Clinical and non-clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Distribution of Different antibiogram Profiles and Molecular Typing. JJBS Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. Volume 9, Number 3; 185 - 194.
- Ø 10- Ahmed M Al-Haddad, Wedad M Al-Haik and Abdullah Y Al-Mahdi, (2016). Serotypes and Antibiogram of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolated from Hospitals in Yemen. EC Microbiology.4.5; 761-772.
- Ø 11- Ali Mohammed Abdullah Bawazir, Ahmed M. Al-Haddad, Abdullah AL-Mahdi and Manjula Shantaram (2017). Actinomycetes from Mountains of Hadhramout – Yemen. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(8): 3521-3530.
- Ø 12- Al-Jobory, H.J., Mahmoud, A.L.E., Al-Mahdi, A.Y., (2017). Natural Occurrence of Fusarium Mycotoxins (Fumonisins, Zearalenone and T-2 toxin) in Corn for Human Consumption in Yemen. PSM Microbiol., 2(2): 41-46.
- Ø 13- Nagi A. ALHaj, Khadija Zedan Hassan, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Abdullah Y. Al Mahdi, Rasheed Abdulsalam and Sami Mohammed Albawani (2018). Antibacterial Assay on Polygonum minus Using Different Extraction Methods. Research Journal of Biological Science. 12 (1); 5-11.
- Ø 14- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Mohamed A. Ahmida, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). Assessment of Arsenic, Lead, Mercury and Coliform in Serdang Lake, Selangor Malaysia. Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology. 16(1); 21-25.
- Ø 15- Al-Mahdi, A. Y. Patil, N. Baserisalehi, M. and Kapadnis, B. P. (2019). Acidophilic Actinomycetes, their Diversity and Non-Polyene Antibiotic Production Potential. In Press.
- Ø 16- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi. Anas A. Al-Mahbashi; Ahmed Y. Al-Jaufy; Ahmed Y. Al-jamrah, (2019). Bacteria Causing Pneumonia and Their Sensitivity to Antibiotics Among Yemeni Patients. Jordan Journal of Biological Science. In Press.
- Ø 17- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi; Anas A. Al-Mahbashi; Khaled M. Naji and Sadeah A. Alareqi, (2019). Novel Bacillus sp. as hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria (HUB) isolated from petroleum samples. In Press.
- Ø 18- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Abusif Sonousi, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Nagi A. ALHaj (2019). Bioactivity of some Essential Oils on Selected Bacteria. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology. In Press.
- Ø 19- Abusif Sonousi, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Elan Selvi Anandan, Nagi A. ALHaj (2019). Antifungal activities of four different essential oils on Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. In Press.
- Ø 20- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ebthag A. Mussa, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Nagi A. ALHaj (2019). Antagonistic Activity of Actinomycetes Isolated from Kuala Lumpur Soils Against Pathogenic Bacteria. Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology. 16(3);169-174.
- Ø 21- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ashraf Ibrahim Ali Ahmed, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). Antibacterial activity of selected Malaysian Mushroom against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology. In Press.
- Ø 22- Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Amena Hassan S. Gheeth, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Elan Selvi Anandan, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). Prevalence and risk factors of H. Pylori induced gastritis in Selangor urban population: A cross sectional study. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. In Press.
- Ø 23- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Muhanad Abdullah Salim A, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality Consumed in some Urban Condominiums in Kelana Jaya, Malaysia Using Micro-filtered Water Dispensers (MWD). Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, Scientific Publishers. In Press.
- Ø 24- Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Nahed R. Saad, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). A Cross-sectional Survey of Complementary and Alternative Medicines use Among Children and Adolescents with Asthma in Benghazi, Libya. In Press.
- Ø 25- Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Fatima Mohammed A. Hmadi, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Elan Selvi Anandan, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Sami A R Aldubai, Hasanain Ghazi, (2019). Attitude and Perceived Effect of CAM on Diabetic Control Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Libya. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. In Press.
- Ø 26- Azal A. A. Mothana, Hassan A. Al-Shamahy, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ramzi A. Mothana (2019). Antagonistic Activity of Marin Actinomycetes from Red Sea-Yemen. Communicate.
- Ø 27- Azal A. A. Mothana, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Hassan A. Al-Shamahy, Ramzi A. Mothana (2019). Genotyping of Marine Bacteria from Red Sea-Yemen. Communicate.
- Ø 28- Azal A. A. Mothana, Ramzi A. Mothana, Hassan A. Al-Shamahy, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi (2019). Novel Bioactive Compounds of Marine Bacteria Isolated from Red Sea-Yemen. Communicate.
- Ø 29- Emad A. Hatab, Abdullah Al-Mahdi, Rasheed Abdulsalam (2019). New Records for Increasing of Antimicrobial Resistance Among Acute Otitis Media (AOM) Patients in Tripoli City-Libya. Communicate.
- Ø 30- Emad A. Hatab, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi (2019). Acute Otitis Media (AOM) Incidence in Tripoli City-Libya. Communicate.

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