Dr Ashfaq Ahmad Shah
Dr Ashfaq Ahmad Shah 'اشفاک ' born on 6 June 1992, from south Kashmir, Doderkoot ددیرکوٹ Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir, India is the infection immunity doctoral researcher at the Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, UK, India. Dr Shah is pursuing novel dimensions of infection immunity pertaining to the correlation and impact of phyto-immune components termed phytoalexins and phytoanticipins on the benign immune system of human beings. This parameter of immunology is termed phytoalexin-immunomodulation scrutiny. His area of interest lies in Preclinical and clinical studies, i.e. vaccine adjuvant development, development of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds, evaluation of antibiotic resistance, study of Immuno-modulatory activities, disease model studies, protease isolation against specific protein antigens, and the discipline of Kalology including tyrosinase inhibition, PPO inhibition, skin whitening agents, kerato-peeling etc. Dr Ashfaq is a Doctoral Researcher, Reviewer and Editorial member of several journals and books. He is having several publications in journals of national and international repute. So far he has published more than thirty scopus infection/immunology/pharmacology scientific papers, including Fifteen international book chapters and two international books. Mr Shah received the Young scientist award in August 2023 for his groundbreaking academic performance in the field of infection immunity. Mr Shah has also been an editor of Wikipedia pages in medical science since 2015 with more than 1000 edits in medical topics available to medical literature worldwide.
Research and Acemedic profile as Doctoral Researcher (Infection Immunity).
- Ahmad Shah, A., & Gupta, A. (2022). Venturia inaequalis post-infection enhancement of secondary metabolites in the peels of delicious apple variety. Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.09.508
- Sutariya, S., Ahmad Shah, A., Bajpai, A., Sharma, R. J., Pandhurnekar, C. P., & Gupta, A. (2022). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of leaf and fruit extracts of Gymnosporia montana. Materials Today: Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.09.462
- Ashfaq A Shah, Syed Khursheed, Aadil Rashid, Amit Gupta,2022. Isolation, Identification, Speciation, and Antibiogram of Enterococcus species by conventional methods and Assessment of the Prevalence of vanA genotype among VRE.Journal of Medical. Pharmaceutical and Allied Science. V 11- I 4, Pages – 5037 - 5044. Doi: 10.55522/jmpas. V11I4.2367
- Ashfaq Ahmad shah, Khan Samarah, Kashyap Khushi, RawatAman, Kumar Vijay, Gupta Amit, 2022. Comparative assessment of phytochemical content and antioxidant activityof mentha arvensi procured from Summit and Rivulet. Journalof Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Science V 11 - I 4, Pages – 5075 - 5084. Doi: 10.55522/jmpas. V11I4.2461
- Shah A. A, Rehman A. U, Kapoor S, Kaur H, Rohilla B, Bajpai A. B, Gupta A. GC-MS Analysis of Phytoactive Compounds, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Citrullus lanatus Seeds. Biomed Pharmacol J 2023;16(1).
- Ashfaq A Shah, Vijay Kumar, Amit Gupta, 2021.Immunomodulation via Phyto active compounds a promising therapy for future medical systems. Jour. of Med. P’ceutical &Allied. Sci. V 10 - S 2, 2036, P - 120-125. doi:10.22270/jmpas. 2021. V10S2.2036
Shah, A. A.; Rashmi, K.; Kumar, V.; Kumar, N.; Gupta, A. An overview of immunological response, anti-viral therapy and vaccine development against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (Sars-cov)-2 International Journal of Current Research and Review ; 13(6 special Issue):74-80, 2021.
- Shah, A.A., Gupta, A. (2022). Antioxidants in Health and Disease with Their Capability to Defend Pathogens that Attack Apple Species of Kashmir. In: Ekiert, H.M., Ramawat, K.G., Arora, J. (eds) Plant Antioxidants and Health. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78160-6_13
- Shah, Ashfaq Ahmad, et al. "Role of Polyherbal Formulations of Medicinal Plants from Himalayan Regions in the Management of Diabetes." In Innovative Approaches for Nanobiotechnology in Healthcare Systems, edited by Touseef Amna and M. Shamshi Hassan, 212-229. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8251-0.ch007
- Shah, Ashfaq Ahmad, and Amit Gupta. "Phytochemicals and Novel Nanotherapeutic Approaches in the Management of Rheumatic Diseases." In Innovative Approaches for Nanobiotechnology in Healthcare Systems, edited by Touseef Amna and M. Shamshi Hassan, 249-266. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8251-0.ch009
- Shah, Ashfaq Ahmad, and Amit Gupta. "Encapsulation of Flavonoids in Nanocarriers: A Novel Strategy to Enhance Their Bioefficacy and Oral Bioavailability." In Innovative Approaches for Nanobiotechnology in Healthcare Systems, edited by Touseef Amna and M. Shamshi Hassan, 267-283. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-8251-0.ch0
- Ashfaq Ahmad Shah et al., 2020. Parkinson’s Disease: An Introduction to the Causes and Management Strategies International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.| Vol 12 (4)..
- Ashfaq Ahmad Shah, Amit Gupta Multiple Drug Resistance In Pathogens: A SurgingPublic Health Concern Imperative To Scrutinizelkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 4): pp.4441-4451. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2021.04.478
- Ashfaq Ahmad Shah, Soumyojit Bose, Muskan Rawat, Amena Ali , Amit Gupta*, Mr Amit Kumar Mishra. Appropriate Commencement, Perpetuation, and Abstinence of Commonly Subsumed SSRIs, SNRIs, and TCAs Imperative in the Management of Panic Disorder an overview. Webology, 18: 2, 2021. 10.29121/WEB/V18I2/46
- Amit Gupta, Ashfaq Ahmad Shah, Avnish Chauhan Paralysis Agitans: An Assessment Of The Determinants And Therapeutic Tactics. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 2): pp. 2679-2690. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.02.284
- AA Shah, A Gupta (2020). A proper initiation, duration and cessation of currently incorporated ssris, snris, and tcas critical in the management of panic disorder- an overview international Journal of Management (IJM), 11-112.
- Intervention of Nanotechnology as a Tool for Enhanced Renewable Energy Application in the Field of Solar Power HarnessingEnvironmental Security and Sustainable Development2022-01-24 | book-chapter. Part of ISBN: 978-93-88854-89-4
- Nanotechnological Approaches to Improve Water Treatment ProcessEnvironmental Security and Sustainable Development2022-01-24 | book-chapter Part of ISBN: 978-93-88854-89-4
- The potential of Phytochemicals in Confronting COVID-19: A Promising ApproachCOVID -19 Problems and Solutions in Multidisciplinary Dimensions2021-10-30 | book-chapter Part of DOI: 10.22271/ed.book.1343 Part of ISBN: 978-93-91538-83-5
- Potential Societal Benefits and Applications from Future Environmental Biotechnological ProductsNew dimensions of Environmental Biology2021-10-25 | book-chapter Part of ISBN: 978-93-88854-85-6
- Ponential Application of Macrofungi in Phytomedicine: An overveiwBiochemistry and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Herbs 2021-09-14 | book-chapter Part of ISBN: 978-93-88854-
- Potential of Benign Phytochemicals In the Management of Cancer Biochemistry and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Herbs 2021-09-14 | book-chapterPart of ISBN: 978-93-88854-
- Reveiw of Some Important Medicinal Plants having Impact on Body Physiological Functioning and Used as Potential Therapeutic AgentsBiochemistry and Therapeutic Applications of Medicinal Herbs 2021-09-14 | book-chapterPart of ISBN: 978-93-88854-
- Understanding Real time Impact of Obesity on Innate Immune System Pattern RecognitionA Compendium of Research insights for life science students2021-06-25 | book-chapter Part of ISBN: 978-81-947154-5-0
- Antibiotic Resistance In 'ESKAPE' Pathogens through Self Medication, A Biggest Public Health Concern Surging in KashmirKashmir Pen 2021-01-21 | magazine-article DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12795.64804
- Promotion of Science and Technology in Agriculture sector of Rural areas in India.Science and Technology Applications In Rural Areas2020-05-05 | book-chapter Part of ISBN: ISBN 978-81-944874-0-1

Main institution
Researcher and Professor
Infection Immunity
Other affiliation
Allied Health Sciences
Other affiliation
Doctoral Researcher
Academic disciplines: