

03 Jan 2013
The School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announces the launch of a global competition, which will be held next month, to shape tomorrow’s guestrooms, and by doing so – helping to set new standards for hotel rooms for the future.
03 Jan 2013
Software that detects and extracts text from within video frames, making it searchable, is set to make a vast resource even more valuable
02 Jan 2013
The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) announces the last call for nominations to the 2nd batch of PMDP Senior Executives Class 2013
21 Dec 2012
(Aichi, Japan, 21 December, 2012) – Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd welcomes journalists to preview the company’s latest innovative ITS technology on exhibition at North American International Auto Show, Detroit, 14–27 January 2013.
19 Dec 2012
Singapore, 20 December 2012- Nikon Corporation and A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME), a leading semiconductor research institute of Singapore, have announced a collaboration with an agreement to jointly set up a R&D laboratory to develop advanced optical lithography technology used in the manufacturing of semiconductor chips.
20 Nov 2012
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – While advanced economies gradually rebuild their balance sheets, Asia’s emerging markets need to diversify sources of growth to boost GDP, Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda said today during an address at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Global Dialogue in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Group photo
15 Nov 2012
The world's great minds in economics shared their insight with a full house of 400 audience including senior industry personnel, community leaders, government officials and academics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)'s 75th Anniversary Conference on 14 November.
Image Name
11 Nov 2012
The signing of an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Boeing Company has paved the way for the establishment of Hong Kong's first Aviation Services Research Centre (ASRC).
08 Nov 2012
Researchers from the Institute of Textiles and Clothing at PolyU have developed a new technology that allows electronics to drape around our body comfortably. The researchers have engineered a new fabric that can conduct electricity, paving the way for stretchable electronics.
29 Oct 2012
Singapore’s manufacturing industry will benefit from a productivity boost with the launch of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) initiative – a move spearheaded by the Manufacturing Productivity Technology Centre (MPTC) hosted at A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech).
exhibition booth
17 Oct 2012
(Aichi, Japan, 17 October, 2012) - Fortune Global 500 ranked Aisin Seki Co., Ltd will exhibit its latest innovative automobile technology at the 19th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Vienna, 22 to 26 October 2012.
10 Oct 2012
Industrial-scale chemistry could benefit from a robust new catalyst that selectively generates amino acid precursors from cyanide at room temperature
09 Oct 2012
Researchers from the Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia have created a new durable wood-plastic composite (WPC). Recent discoveries in the production of new materials have enabled researchers to develop new types of composite materials that perform better and are more durable.
04 Sep 2012
The August issue of the monthly newsletter from the Science & Innovation Section of the British Embassy has been released. This month's article is "The Japan Revitalisation Plan". The newsletter also includes news headlines from Japanese S&I press and details of forthcoming events.
30 Aug 2012
Institute of Microelectronics (IME) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with MOSIS, a provider of low-cost prototyping and small volume production services for custom ICs, to offer its multiple-project wafer (MPW) service to MOSIS’ customers.
29 Aug 2012
The ERA initiative assesses research quality using a combination of indicators and expert review by committees comprising experienced, internationally-recognised experts
28 Aug 2012
Toronto, Ontario; Ithaca, NY; Singapore, August 28th, 2012 - Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has attracted interest from the medical imaging community for its ability to provide live 3D images at near microscopic levels, offering an ‘optical ultrasound’ alternative for doctors.
17 Aug 2012
A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME) and Futurewei Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (Huawei), have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) to develop and advance Through Silicon Interposer (TSI) technology.
TechFest 2012 logo
14 Aug 2012
I2R’s Techfest 2012 showcases the latest exciting innovations from revolutionary big data analytics to next-generation entertainment technologies. Techfest 2012 and ICM Horizons will be open to the public from 10am to 6pm on 15th and 16th August 2012.
02 Aug 2012
A*STAR Institute of Microelectronics (IME), has signed a research collaboration agreement with Delta Networks, Inc. (Delta), a global leader in power, thermal management solutions and networking products, to develop a metamaterial (MTM) antenna for wireless application that offers improvements in performance with reduced power and cost.
A sample of a nanoimprinted plastic film
02 Aug 2012
Scientists from A*STAR’s Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) will partner companies to develop, prototype and conduct pilot large scale manufacturing of nanoimprinted materials with better performance and at potentially lower cost than current production methods.
A*STAR and WDA logo
11 Jul 2012
805 engineers or 2322 SOAs (number of trainee-module) have been successfully trained through the 8 WSQ training programmes, funded by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), and developed by the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).
Tobacco plant
10 Jul 2012
A study led by Associate Prof. Kenji Nakahara at Hokkaido University in Japan has found a component in tobacco that makes crop immune systems more resistant to viral attacks.
26 Jun 2012
Singapore’s Data Storage Institute (DSI), a research institute of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) has developed a big data software that enables travel companies and hotels to tap the growth potential of online travel bookings.
Construction workers
15 Jun 2012
A pioneering study by researchers of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has shed light on the prevention of heat stroke for outdoor workers in a scientific manner. One of the major recommendations is to link up the Very Hot Weather Signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory with additional breaks for outdoor workers on stuffy work days.
12 Jun 2012
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Canada has underscored its 35 years of strong and sustained partnership in the 9th ASEAN-Canada Dialogue held on June 7 to 8 in Bangkok, Thailand.
07 Jun 2012
A*STAR’s Snap2Tell image recognition technology is at the forefront of new media applications for mobile phone and iPad users.
06 Jun 2012
Singapore, 6 June 2012 - The 2nd phase will build on the work accomplished in Phase I to develop 3 product-oriented (PO) devices, namely, the Oscillator, Magnetometer and Energy Harvester, which are among the fastest growing MEMS devices in the next five years.
05 Jun 2012
The resulting technology will substantially enhance performance, lower costs and shrink the size of multi-megapixel image sensors found in mobile applications such as smart phones, digital cameras and tablet personal computers.
04 Jun 2012
Singapore, 4 June 2012 - The temperature sensor will be part of a tyre pressure monitoring system which maintains the correct tyre pressure for comfortable driving, fuel efficiency, longer tyre-life and higher safety for the driver.


05 Feb 2007
Many factors will affect the outlook for natural gas demand and the role of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Asia Pacific markets over the coming decade. This Conference is specifically designed to provide delegates with LNG market outlook and predictions and an opportunity to gain understanding of LNG market across the whole supply chain.
30 Oct 2007
The meeting theme, “Resources, Professionalism, Technology: Time to Deliver,” will focus on current needs of resources faced by the oil and gas industry, professional accountability, etiquettes & social responsibilities that organisations need to observe in today’s environment, and the evolution of technologies.
10 Feb 2007
Themes of the Conference are Human Resource Concerns in the Context of Globalization (Theory and Empirical), Structural Changes in Andhra Pradesh Economy and Capital Formation in Andhra Pradesh Agriculture
28 Dec 2006
The theme of the conference is: Managing Global Organizations: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies.The conference will provide a global forum to management academics and practicing managers to discuss critical issues concerning managing of global organizations.
27 Nov 2006
Postgraduate education in the Asian region is now facing many challenges especially in terms of stabilising and expanding its organisation and roles to face global changes.
19 Sep 2006
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the only mechanism applicable to developing countries, where carbon budget could be traded with developed countries. Hence, this seminar is organized to increase awareness on forestry CDM and possible projects that would be generated.
22 Aug 2006
UK-SINGAPORE Aquaculture Workshop 2006. The workshop will bring together researchers from industry, universities, as well as research institutes in Southeast Asia to present and discuss the what aquaculture can and will become. Sponsorships are available for researchers from South East Asia and UK businesses.
01 Jul 2006
The seminar aims at highlighting the strategic initiatives taken by in the field of e-publishing & promotion of Indian Publications
08 Aug 2006
The 2006 International Conference on Business IT (BIZIT 2006) aims to bring together academicians, researchers, and developers interested in exchanging ideas, innovations, and experiences in the areas of Business Technology.
26 Jun 2006
INTAC III provides a venue for scholars both from Muslim and Non-Muslim countries to share their ideas and empirical findings on the major issues in accounting research reflected in the theme of the conference.
20 Jun 2006
The aim of MICRA 2006 is to further the advancement of knowledge in all aspects of construction and to keep members in touch with the latest information on construction management.
18 Sep 2006
The conference is a response to the growing awareness about the need for policy shift from the traditional technology transfer practice to a policy position that is capable of providing a sustainable basis for innovation and technological progress in developing countries.
12 Apr 2006
The seminar aims at highlighting the strategic initiatives taken by in the field of e-publishing and promotion of Indian Publications, in order to provide a global exposure along with national recognition, in the larger interest of Academicians, Societies & Publishers.
06 Dec 2006
This conference provides a forum to discuss the interdependencies of the global economy affecting all aspects of the business and economics issues in a global context.
28 Jun 2006
The theme of the conference, “Bridging Opportunities and Competencies of Entrepreneurs for Global Markets” aims to bring papers containing original contributions on theories, practice, empirical studies, case analysis, and researches in all areas of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial management, and entrepreneurial education.
02 Mar 2006
The Philippines' potential to lead in information and communications technology (ICT) and Game Development is very promising. Currently, we are the preferred IT outsourcing candidate, second only to India.
06 Jun 2006
The Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics is designed to bring out the latest R & D findings in the utilization and management of natural resources particularly in ASEAN countries to the private sector, researchers, academicians, managers of resources, industrialists and policy makers.
06 Dec 2005
The Malaysian Institute of Economic Research will be organising this important conference to the theme of "Enhancing Competitiveness for Economic Growth"
29 Nov 2005
The CWANA region covers an area of 1.7 billion ha with an estimated population of over 700 million people and a huge potential for regional seed market.
09 Jun 2005
The "2005 Euro-Malaysia ICT Cooperation Event" (or "EuroMalaysia2005") is an event organised at the initiative of the European Commission (DG Information Society) and of MIMOS Berhad.
31 Oct 2005
The development of optimization techniques is pivotal in pushing technology frontiers in the eBusiness era. The goal of SJOM 2005 meeting is to bring together optimization practitioners and researchers in the areas of optimization theories and practices.


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Giants in history

Physicist Narinder Singh Kapany (31 October 1926 – 4 December 2020) pioneered the use of optical fibres to transmit images, and founded several optical technology companies. Born in Punjab, India, he worked at a local optical instruments factory before moving to London for PhD studies at Imperial College. There, he devised a flexible fibrescope to convey images along bundles of glass fibres.
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie (25 June 1936 – 11 September 2019) was an Indonesian engineer who was President of Indonesia from 1998 to 1999.
Rapee Sagarik (4 December 1922 – 17 February 2018) was Thailand’s renowned expert on orchids.
U Hla Myint (1920 – 2017) was a celebrated economist from Myanmar. Considered a prodigy, he was admitted to Rangoon University to study economics when he was just 14 years old. He went on to earn a Ph.D. at the London School of Economics (LSE).