10 Jan 2025
Groundwater and multilevel cooperation in recovery efforts mitigated water crisis after flooding
13 Dec 2024
Tsunamis can cause immense physical damage to ports, but the economic cost does not stop there. The resultant disruptions of shipping lanes result in billions of dollars in losses every day, as was seen in the 2011 tsunami that hit the Tohoku Region. To better assess the ripple effect a tsunami could cause to shipping lanes in the South China Sea, a group of international researchers carried out 104 tsunami simulations.
19 Jun 2024
・In situ deformation experiments on olivine were performed using a high-flux synchrotron X-ray and a “mobile” multianvil apparatus at BL05XU, SPring-8.
・Transient creep of olivine aggregates follows the Burgers creep function at upper mantle pressures and temperatures.
・Time-dependent rheology of the shallow mantle observed in the late post-seismic deformation is explained by the Burgers model.
07 Mar 2024
In celebration of International Women's Day, we are putting the spotlight on women experts from various fields who are open to speaking with international media about their research and advocacies.
20 Feb 2024
Collective ‘memory’ is one way to ensure that past mistakes in the evolution of science systems are not repeated after a crisis, disaster or conflict according to a University of Tokyo historian who has contributed to the International Science Council’s latest report: Protecting Science in Times of Crisis.
20 Feb 2024
Protecting Science in Times of Crisis is a comprehensive report addressing the urgent need for a new approach to safeguard science and its practitioners during global crises. With many conflicts spread over geographical zones, increasing extreme weather events, and natural hazards such as earthquakes in unprepared regions, this new report takes stock of what we have learned in recent years from our collective efforts to protect scientists and scientific institutions during times of crisis and suggests a way forward.
07 Feb 2024
Yokohama National University scientists are working towards creating a better tomorrow by addressing diverse challenges, from snow algae and tropical cyclones to AI cyberthreats, and much more.
29 Dec 2023
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are a dragon-like robot that can fight fires, how having a pet can avoid cognitive decline, and how an illusion can help us learn motor skills.
23 Aug 2023
SLINTEC, Monash University Malaysia, and Newcastle University UK and Singapore teamed up for Poseidon: a patented portable water filtration device attachable to a bottle, offering clean drinking water for those lacking access.
22 Jun 2023
Researchers from Newcastle University, led by Dr Kheng Lim Goh, have developed a cost-effective Cellular Automata (CA) model for predicting marine plastic movement. Findings from model predictions align well with traditional particle-tracking models, suggesting its potential as a valuable tool for assessing marine plastic pollution and mitigation strategies.
17 Feb 2023
Tree rings forecast extreme weather in central Asia, Squid 🦑and chemistry make versatile hydrogels, James Webb telescope reveals the earliest galaxies & Reducing negative effects of screen time. Read all in the latest Editor's Choice. Plus our latest journalist resource "Experts for Media: Antimicrobial Resistance "🦠.
31 Jan 2023
The study is an important step towards the understanding of long-term changes in the water cycle and will aid in more informed decisions when assessing and managing regional water systems.
27 Jan 2023
A “back-projection” technique reveals new details of the volcanic eruption in Tonga that literally shook the world.
28 Oct 2022
The Natural Disasters Expo will be held in Asia this year on the 7th & 8th December at the Singapore Expo, welcoming experts from around the globe to showcase the latest revolutionary solutions to natural disaster management and mitigation.
13 Sep 2022
Research shows that natural catastrophes may trigger or exacerbate attacks of incapacitating migraine in disaster victims.
29 Jun 2022
Researchers analyze the collapse of the Misasa Railroad Bridge in Japan — an infrastructure failure caused by unprecedented flooding back in 2018 — to inform future flood-resistant designs.
10 Jun 2022
Asia Research News monitors the latest research news in Asia. Some highlights that caught our attention this week are amino acids from space, a robot finger wrapped in human skin, and what makes dogs "man’s best friend".
29 Apr 2022
As COVID-19 continues to spread across the world, there is mandatory 7 to 21-day quarantine for travellers who arrive in Hong Kong and Mainland China from overseas. Since self-isolation may affect people’s emotional health adversely, Lingnan University (LU)’s Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research Centre (WJLCCPRC) has designed a self-assessment questionnaire and intervention exercise to help people in quarantine cope better psychologically.
18 Apr 2022
In disaster mitigation planning for future large earthquakes, seismic ground motion predictions are a crucial part of early warning systems. The way the ground moves depends on how the soil layers amplify the seismic waves (described in a mathematical site “amplification factor”). However, geophysical explorations to understand soil conditions are costly, limiting characterization of site amplification factors to date. Using data on microtremors in Japan, a neural network model can estimate site-specific responses to earthquakes based on subsurface soil conditions.
11 Feb 2022
On the occasion of the One Ocean Summit taking place in the French city of Brest, UNESCO has announced that at least 80% of the seabed will be mapped by 2030, compared to 20% currently, with the support of its Member States and the private sector.

29 Nov 2021
Lingnan University (LU) in Hong Kong will confer honorary doctoral degrees upon four distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their respective professions and valuable contributions to the well-being of society.
17 Sep 2021
The Kisakata Earthquake devastated Akita and Yamagata Prefectures. More details about this Edo period disaster have been revealed thanks to a collaborative project between researchers and locals.
30 Aug 2021
On 20 May 2021, Sri Lanka’s worst-ever marine disaster occurred when a fire erupted on the Singapore-registered MV X-Press Pearl container ship just 18 km Northwest of Colombo. While the long-term cost is yet to be determined, the negative impact on industries such as fisheries and tourism, and people who rely on the coastal resources of Sri Lanka is already apparent.
09 Jul 2021
A new study monitored satellite images to obtain sea discoloration data as a novel indicator in detecting if an underwater volcano’s eruption is imminent.
18 Jun 2021
Japan recorded a whopping 3459 #landslides in 2018. To reduce the risks of landslides, researchers have developed a new #mapping system that accurately predicts their damage.
17 May 2021
Landslide tsunamis are difficult to simulate because of the complex interaction between soil and water. But now, researchers from Tohoku University have come up with a hybrid numerical method that allows for relatively accurate simulations.
16 Apr 2021
Rapid and accurate flood mapping following a disaster is crucial for accelerating relief and response decisions. With news crews often the first on the scene, Tohoku University researchers have created a machine learning model that harnesses the power of media photos. The model helps quickly identify flooded buildings within 24 hours of the disaster.
09 Apr 2021
Elevated levels of radon in the atmosphere before and after earthquakes is a commonly recorded phenomenon. However, Tohoku University researchers have discovered an anomaly: The 2018 Northern Osaka Earthquake. Analyzing data before and after the quake, they discovered that atmospheric radon concentration decreased. The discovery paints a more complicated picture surrounding radon and crustal movements.

11 Nov 2024
Looking to make a meaningful impact on regional research and scientific capacity development in the Asia-Pacific region? The APN’s 2024 Call for Proposals invites you to submit proposals that tackle global change challenges, foster regional partnerships and support the development of sustainable solutions.
01 Oct 2024
The Geological Society of Malaysia is pleased to announce that the 37th National Geoscience Conference (NGC 2024) will be held at Kuala Lumpur during 1st-3rd October 2024.

09 Nov 2023
Seeking to build experience in collaborative regional research and scientific capacity development in the Asia-Pacific region? Interested in writing grant proposals for global environmental change projects? Come and join our open capacity building seminars to receive grant proposal writing guidance and an introduction to the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)'s 2023 Call for Proposals. Two seminars are available on the 9th and 10th of November, and we warmly welcome participation from early career professionals and global change practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region.
13 Feb 2022
A joint forum by APN, ADRC, JICA Kansai, and Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance, University of Hyogo
07 Dec 2022
Natural Disasters Expo Asia is transforming the Singapore Expo on the 7th & 8th of December 2022 into the ultimate event for the management and mitigation of disasters and will welcome experts around the globe to source the latest revolutionary solutions to calamity management and mitigation.

12 Mar 2021
The APRU-IRIDeS Multi-hazards Program is hosting a two-part webinar series, looking back at the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The panels will draw on lessons learnt and explore disaster mitigation strategies for the future. Open to all, registration required.
The Khwarizmi International Award (KIA) acknowledges the efforts made by researchers, innovators and inventors from across the globe and to appreciate their high quality research work and contributions to different fields of science and technology.
I'm currently an adjunct professor at the Asian Institute of Management in Manila. I crafted a course called Art-Science Thinking based on my dissertation on Culture as Transformative Innovation: Filipino Care in the Practice of Family Medicine. Since 2017, my consultancy & studio has been collaborating with the Dept. of Science & Technology in the Philippines.
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Afroz Shah is a Senior Assistant Professor of Structural Geology at the Department of Geosciences, Universiti of Brunei Darussalam (UBD). He is the Programme Leader of Geosciences. Shah completed PhD at James Cook University, Australia, in 2010, a post-doctorate at Earth Observatory of Singapore in 2013 and joined his first academic job as a Senior Lecture of Structural Geology at Curtin Sarawak, Miri, Malaysia, before joining UBD.
Someone in love with a field of knowledge, have strong desire to discover and explore about
teaching and learning. My primary research interests focus on media studies, crisis reporting, fake news, media freedom and democratization, particularly in analysing the media content which is closely connected to politics,
state and market; and ideological representation.
Morshed Hossan Molla, Ph.D. Research Fellow in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Chittagong and working at YPSA (Young Power in Social Action) as a Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Chittagong, Bangladesh. He received B.Sc. (Honours) and MS (thesis) Degrees in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Chittagong in 2009 and 2011 respectively. He received also M.Phil degree from the same department in the field of Water Resource Management. He has attended a number of national and international conferences and published more than thirty research articles in national and international journals and books, mainly on urban service delivery (supply water), urban environment & environmental health, climate change & disaster management, and water resources management. He has a desire to contribute to different aspects of the planning process for underprivileged groups.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Dr. Connie Cassy Ompok is an early childhood education expert and a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. She Started her career in Early Childhood Education as a preschool teacher (2004-2007), a lecturer in early childhood education at the Malaysian Institute of Teacher Education (2008-2016) before serving as a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at UMS (2016 until now).
Currently a research assistant in the laboratory of green energy in Zhejiang University of Technology.
I'm Senior Lecturer at the School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffiield. I research and teach about post-developmental Japan in the Asia-Pacific region.
Nisha Arunatilake has been a Research Fellow at IPS since 2000 and was appointed as the Director of Research in January 2018. She has extensive post-doctoral experience in conducting policy related economic research in labour market analysis, education, public finance and health.
Dr. Hasibun Naher is a mathematician working on numerical models related to natural disasters including storm surges, tsunami simulation, earthquakes, and energy. She is also interested in issues related to women in STEM, active learning, sustainable mathematics education and sustainable development using mathematical modeling,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Associate Professor Sitti Raehanah Muhamad Shaleh is the director of Borneo Marine Research Institute at Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
I am a socio-cultural anthropologist and faculty member at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, pursuing my graduate research on Rohingya refugee policy at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA.
Co-Founding Member and Managing Director of the Association of Advancing Life And Regenerating Motherland (ALARM), a think tank in Myanmar.
Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation (EMReF)
Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation (EMReF)
National University of Singapore
Gouramanis researches geological evidence of modern and past typhoons, tsunami and droughts in coastal and lake environments across Southeast Asia. In particular, he focuses on recent events and compares these to the geological record to understand frequencies, recurrence and intensities to guide the potential impact of future events.
Secretary General and Treasurer of the International Geographical Union (IGU) and Professor of Geography at University of Delhi.
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Roosli is a lecturer and researcher in Disaster and Development at Universiti Sains Malaysia. He focuses on settlement in ASEAN countries in normal and emergency situations.
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS)
Numada oversees the Disaster Management Training Center (DMTC) at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS).
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS)
Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science. Studies soil mechanics, cave-ins and sinkholes.
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS)
Director and Professor of the International Center for Urban Safety Engineering (ICUS) at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo-IIS)
Tohoku University
Tornado and other severe-wind disaster expert. Professor at Tohoku University.
Tohoku University
Associate Professor, Disaster Science Division, International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University
Tohoku University
Associate Professor at Tohoku University's International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS)
Tohoku University
Associate Professor at Tohoku University's International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) researching disaster sciences.
Tohoku University
Associate Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
Tohoku University
Expert in international disaster mitigation strategy. Associate Professor at Tohoku University's International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS).
Tohoku University
Anthropologist of disaster, death, grief, public health, disaster and the environment in Japan and Indonesia.
Tohoku University
Director of Tohoku University's Tough Cyberphysical AI Research Center and expert in rescue robotics.
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Associate Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University researching hydroclimatology, climate extremes and water hazards.
Tohoku University
Director of the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University since April 2014, and also is a professor of Tsunami Engineering
Giants in history
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