07 Mar 2022
A team at Japan’s Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI), at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) is conducting evidence-based outreach to demonstrate why science communication training is so important, with an aim of encouraging other higher education and research institutions to follow its lead.
03 Mar 2022
Dr Hou Wai-kai, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology (PS), The Education University of Hong Kong, has been elected a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) for his outstanding contribution to the discipline.
03 Mar 2022
Giants in History: Gopalasamudram Narayanan Ramachandran (8 October 1922 – 7 April 2001) is best known for developing the Ramachandran plot to understand the structure of short chains of amino acids, known as peptides.
01 Mar 2022
Our visual processing is facilitated by spaces near the hand in a process known as hand proximity attention. Using a visual phenomenon called the flash-lag effect, researchers showed that proprioceptive information of a hand contributed to hand proximity attention.
28 Feb 2022
Scientists demonstrate an optical trapping technique using nanotextured black silicon that can efficiently trap polymer chains. By adjusting the laser intensity, these “optical tweezers” can control the florescence color emitted through a local concentration of a perylene-modified polymer solution. From a low intensity blue to high intensity orange, this reversible and fully remote technology can almost reach the entire RGB spectrum.
27 Feb 2022
With the aid of mathematics, materials chemistry enables dimension travel, unveiling that all properties of materials are governed by their dimension.
27 Feb 2022
A Detailed comparative study on the structures and electrical properties of related insulators and superconductors
25 Feb 2022
Induction into the Hall of Master Academic Clinicians is the highest accolade for clinical faculty at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre. Exemplary clinical faculty members are selected by a special committee for their subject matter mastery, academic excellence and exceptional mentoring for Duke-NUS students.
25 Feb 2022
Scientists have developed a prototype sensor that could help doctors rapidly measure adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and lactate levels in blood samples from patients, aiding in the rapid assessment of the severity of some diseases.
24 Feb 2022
A surprising tree-inspired discovery is helping scientists design surfaces that encourage different liquids to move in varying directions.
23 Feb 2022
Device designers at the University of Tokyo are developing cheap and accessible ways to monitor and explore the sea.
22 Feb 2022
Using electricity, a new method offers the possibility of recycling CO2 while also performing a notoriously difficult reaction, producing compounds potentially useful for drug development.
17 Feb 2022
Giants in History: Barry Paw (29 August 1962 – 28 December 2017) was a biologist and oncologist born in Myanmar who discovered several novel genes and their functions in red blood cells.
17 Feb 2022
In a recent study published in the journal ACS Catalysis researchers from Kanazawa University describe novel scanning electrochemical cell microscopy measurements to determine sites of photoelectrochemical activity in titanium dioxide nanotubes.
16 Feb 2022
This is a novel study that attempted to construct a pH-sensitive delivery system into T cells and their subsets using carboxy-terminal Phe- and CHex-modified dendrimers with different structures, i.e. PAMAM-CHex-Phe and PAMAM-Phe-CHex. The findings contribute to the development of nanoplatforms for direct delivery to T cells to control the functions of T cells, which play key roles in cancer immunotherapy. This is the first report on direct delivery into T cells using pH-sensitive DDS.
16 Feb 2022
Simulations have led to the fabrication of a polymer-DNA gel that could be used in tissue regeneration and robotics.
16 Feb 2022
Through numerical simulations, a researcher details the discovery of a new isolated skyrmion with a half-integer topological quantum number in the ferromagnetic phase of the magnetic quantum fluid Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The new skyrmion is generated by applying a spin current to a magnetic domain wall and it has an eccentric (off-center) spin singularity inside it.
11 Feb 2022
Helping elevate the careers of over 50 women researchers, the partnership has recognized prize-winning science from more than 20 countries in the Global South since 2013
11 Feb 2022
Low volcanic temperature ushered in global cooling and thriving dinosaurs, Broccoli compound induces cell death in yeast, A single molecule makes big splash in quantum mechanics, Dengue virus makes mosquitos bite more often, and Asia Research News: How it all began, all in the February's Editor's Choice
10 Feb 2022
Giants in History: Eminent Filipina scientist and educator Clara Lim-Sylianco (18 August 1925 – 23 July 2013) is remembered for her extensive research on mutagens – often-carcinogenic agents that permanently alter genetic materials such as DNA – antimutagens and bioorganic mechanisms.
03 Feb 2022
The Sanriku Coast - which includes present day Iwate and parts of Aomori and Miyagi - has been prone to tsunamis throughout its history. Analyses of tsunami deposits along the coast, however, haven’t always provided conclusive findings. Now, a research team has utilized a new radiocarbon dating method to clarify the region’s tsunami history and better understand the frequency at which these disasters occur.
02 Feb 2022
Researchers from Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo find that the occurrence of red snow is closely tied to the length of the snow melt season and new snowfall events
31 Jan 2022
Garden soil houses a variety of bacteria and their natural byproducts — including one that may help halt tumor growth. Lankacidins are molecules that can be isolated from Strepomyces rochei, a common bacterium in soil. In addition to antimicrobial properties, a type of lankacidins, called lankacidin C, can inhibit tumor activity in various cancer cell lines, including leukemia, melanoma, ovarian and breast cancers. Lankacidin C offers a potential foundation on which to design anticancer drugs, but its structure is complicated and difficult to manipulate, according to an international research group. The same group recently identified where antitumor activity is housed on the molecule and has now used that information to simplify lankacidin as a potential starting point to engineer treatments.
28 Jan 2022
Aromaticity of the Space Surrounded by Two Aromatic Rings
28 Jan 2022
Kavli IPMU and UC Berkeley's Hitoshi Murayama has been named a new fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Congratulations!
27 Jan 2022
Researchers have developed an innovative catalyst for the synthesis of propylene, which has potential benefits for the chemical industry and carbon recycling.
27 Jan 2022
An international research group demonstrated that the Kondo effect can have a significant impact on transition metal oxide compound, which has unique and desirable properties to realize wide range of quantum phenomena. The findings have provided more evidence in a decade long debate.
26 Jan 2022
Giants in History: In 1939, biochemist Kamala Sohonie (18 June 1911 – 28 June 1998) became the first woman to be accepted into the Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
25 Jan 2022
Studying the sensory organs of a 100-million-year-old cockroach offers new insights into how the species may have lived.
23 Jan 2022
A ring-expanded porphyrin, diazuliamethyrin, was successfully synthesized via a “3+3” condensation method. This porphyrin showed a 24pi non- or antiaromatic character. We analyzed the optical and electronic structures using magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy and time-dependent density functional theory calculations.

14 Feb 2007
Vadodara, India - The symposium aims to provide a platform for effective interaction among the scientists in the areas of Nuclear and Radiochemistry and Applications of Radioisotopes.

01 Jul 2007
Harbin, China - The field of Smart Materials and Nanotechnology is very diverse with application ranging from bioengineering to photonics. However, the emphasis for this conference will be on their applications in aerospace.

27 Mar 2007
At the end of the training course, participants should have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the ISO 22000 requirements and the necessary skills in establishing the Food Safety Management System. (Location: Penang, Malaysia)

23 Aug 2007
With the theme of “Chemistry for Development, Environment and Sustainability in Asia”, 12ACC will focus on chemistry for knowledge creation, economic development, environmental management and sustainability. 12ACC will be the biggest gathering of more than 1,000 scientists from all over the world in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

10 Feb 2007
The theme is “Integration of Traditional and Innovative Technologies for Community Development”. This Congress will to provide a platform for researchers, community-level workers, technology providers and traditional knowledge centres to exchange ideas and experiences on the effective blending of ancient and modern innovative technologies.

03 Dec 2007
Research work in the area of mycology will enable us to manage fungal diseases, exploit fungi for food, feed, chemicals, and environmental waste management. The conference is targeted for academia, scientists, technologists, managers, entrepreneurs, policy makers, and members of corporate and financial sectors.

12 Mar 2007
Members of the media are one of the key stakeholders in the biotechnology arena because they are an influential source of information on science and technology to lay audiences. MABIC will be funding two Malaysian journalists to attend this workshop.

06 Feb 2007
For the first time, this review will be launched in Malaysia. This is a timely affair for Malaysia as agricultural biotechnology has been recognized as the first thrust in the National Biotechnology Policy. Moreover, the biosafety bill has been read in the Parliament last month and is expected to be passed early next year.

22 Feb 2007
This conference aims to bring together innovative academics, researchers and industrial experts in the field of electronics, communications and allied fields to a common forum, for a constructive dialog on theoretical concepts and practical ideas.

09 Mar 2007
The aim of the Course shall be to cover topics in core pediatric nephrology that are of practical relevance to pediatricians.

12 Aug 2007
Leading international bioengineering and nanotechnology experts will convene at ICBN 2007 to share the latest research advancements at the interface of science, engineering and medicine.

09 Apr 2007
The objectives of this course are to ‘Exchange country information on Micro and Nano electronics and Photonics, Acquaint participants on the current and next generation devices and Deliberate on North-South and South-South collaboration to develop this sector in the developing countries.

17 Jun 2007
Considering the growing importance of biotechnology in the modern world and also the region's strong posture in biotechnology, this Conference will provide an excellent avenue to address the multifarious challenges and opportunities in the field.

26 Jan 2007
This dialogue offers a forum for discussion of the status and potential of marine biotechnology in Malaysia and the world including identification of the issues and challenges in the potential economic and scientific benefits of marine biotechnology.

10 Dec 2007
The objective of the ISNEPP series of symposia is to advance the emerging field of Nanotechnology in the areas of environmental protection and remediation, public health, energy resources and production, and standards and regulation.

01 Jul 2007
ICMAT 2007 will be a multidisciplinary forum providing over 2,000 research scientists and engineers a first-hand learning platform, as well as the opportunity to share and exchange ideas with some of the best minds in the field.

22 Jul 2007
As the fourth conference in the HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention series, IAS 2007 will feature reports on the latest developments in the areas of basic, clinical and prevention science.

15 Feb 2007
The theme of the conference is Research and Development in Emerging Technology Management.

23 Jan 2007
A wide range of topics will be addressed including body sensor networks, bio-inspired engineering, low power systems, wireless networks, communication centric design and SoC design methodologies.

12 Feb 2007
The workshop will bring together leading investigators from industry, universities, as well as research institutes in Southeast Asia to present and discuss the use of various animal models including Drosophila, zebrafish, chick and mouse in their research.

06 Dec 2006
International Conference on Institutions and Global Environmental Change in Bali this Week

08 Jan 2007
Natural disasters, almost in every case, do offer a new, live laboratory to test our ideas on the whole range of issues from policy formulation to people’s participation. The Roundtable would provide an opportunity to the participants to discuss these issues through case studies, simulated exercises and exchange of information

08 Nov 2006
The conference is aimed at broadly addressing the present S&T policies being followed in various countries with the degree of success and also exploring the possibility of coordination among developing countries on S&T policies.

18 Jun 2007
The conference will be held at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) from 18-19 June 2007. It will focus on important engineering issues relevant to construction and development, which will stimulate construction efforts and development.

13 Nov 2006
The workshop, supported by AIT, IDRC, and Rockefeller Foundation, will examine existing policies on bio-innovations in the region, identify existing research gaps and recommend a strategy for information sharing, learning and partnering.

07 Nov 2006
MINT Waste Management Center (WMC) is responsible for managing radioactive waste within Malaysia. For an effective radioactive waste management, the importance of waste inventory is of prime concern; whether it is waste generator, waste management agency or regulatory authority.

11 Dec 2006
The Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) and Ministry of Higher Education , Syria is organising the conference Scientific Research Outlook & Technology Development in the Arab World from December 11- 14 in Damascus, Syria.

19 Sep 2006
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the only mechanism applicable to developing countries, where carbon budget could be traded with developed countries. Hence, this seminar is organized to increase awareness on forestry CDM and possible projects that would be generated.

04 Dec 2006
Highlighting the role of sustainable energy and sustainable technology in meeting modern energy demands

18 Sep 2006
The aims of the initiative are to strengthen research capability of scientists in endemic countries and to promote application of bioinformatics in tropical diseases research.
Giants in history
Chinese-American physicist Tsung-Dao Lee (24 November 1926 – 4 August 2024) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957 together with Chen-Ning Yang for their work challenging the symmetry law in subatomic particles. They were the first Chinese Nobel prize winners, with Lee becoming the second-youngest laureate. Born in Shanghai, he went to the United States on scholarship and studied under another Nobel winner, Enrico Fermi.
Turkish astrophysicist Dilhan Eryurt (29 November 1926 – 13 September 2012) conducted research on how the sun affects environmental conditions on the moon.
Chinese biochemist Chi Che Wang (1894 - 1979), one of the first Chinese women to study abroad, advanced to prominent research positions at American institutions including the University of Chicago and the Northwestern University Medical School.
Ruby Sakae Hirose (1904 – 1960) was a Japanese-American scientist whose research contributed significantly to our understanding of blood clotting, allergies and cancer.
Chinese electron microscopy specialist Li Fanghua (6 January 1932 – 24 January 2020) facilitated the high-resolution imaging of crystal structures by eliminating interference.
Sálim Moizuddin Abdul Ali (12 November 1896 – 20 June 1987), commonly referred to as the Birdman of India, was the first person to conduct systematic surveys of birds from across India.
Haisako Koyama (1916 – 1997) was a Japanese solar observer whose dedication to recording sunspots – cooler parts of the sun’s surface that appear dark – produced a sunspot record of historic importance.
Michiaki Takahashi (17 February 1928 – 16 December 2013) was a Japanese virologist who developed the first chickenpox vaccine.
Toshiko Yuasa (11 December 1909 – 1 February 1980) was the first Japanese female physicist whose research on radioactivity shed light on beta decay – the process in which an atom emits a beta particle (electron) and turns into a different element.
Angelita Castro Kelly (1942-2015) was the first female Mission Operations Manager (MOM) of NASA. She spearheaded and supervised the Earth Observing System missions during its developmental stage.
Malaysia’s first astrophysicist, Mazlan binti Othman (born 11 December 1951) was instrumental in launching the country’s first microsatellite, and in sending Malaysia’s first astronaut, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, into space.
Known as Mr. Natural Rubber, chemist and researcher B. C. Shekhar (17 November 1929 – 6 September 2006) introduced a number of technical innovations that helped put Malaysia’s natural rubber industry on the world map.
Shinichiro Tomonaga (31 March 1906 – 8 July 1979), together with Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965, for their contributions to advance the field of quantum electrodynamics. Tomonaga was also a strong proponent of peace, who actively campaigned against the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promoted the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
South Korean theoretical physicist Daniel Chonghan Hong (3 March 1956 – 6 July 2002) achieved fame in the public sphere through his research into the physics of popcorn.
Japanese chemist Kenichi Fukui (4 October 1918 – 9 January 1998) was the first Asian scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Together with Roald Hoffman, he received this honour in 1981 for his independent research into the mechanisms of chemical reactions.
Chinese palaeontologist, archaeologist and anthropologist Pei Wenzhong (January 19, 1904 – September 18, 1982) is regarded as a founder of Chinese anthropology.
Physicist Narinder Singh Kapany (31 October 1926 – 4 December 2020) pioneered the use of optical fibres to transmit images, and founded several optical technology companies. Born in Punjab, India, he worked at a local optical instruments factory before moving to London for PhD studies at Imperial College. There, he devised a flexible fibrescope to convey images along bundles of glass fibres.
Japanese physicist Ukichiro Nakaya (1900-1962) made the world’s first artificial snowflakes. He started his research on snow crystals in the early 1930s at Hokkaido University, where there is an unlimited supply of natural snow in winter. By taking over 3,000 photographs, he established a classification of natural snow crystals and described their relationship with weather conditions.
The field of solid-state ionics originated in Europe, but Takehiko Takahashi of Nagoya University in Japan was the first to coin the term ‘solid ionics’ in 1967. ‘Solid-state ionics’ first appeared in 1971 in another of his papers, and was likely a play on ‘solid-state electronics’, another rapidly growing field at the time.
Charles Kuen Kao (Nov. 4, 1933 to Sept. 23, 2018) was an engineer who is regarded as the father of fibre optics. His work in the 1960s on long distance signal transmission using very pure glass fibres revolutionized telecommunications, enabling innovations such as the Internet.
Chika Kuroda (24 March 1884 – 8 November 1968) was a Japanese chemist whose research focussed on the structures of natural pigments.
Motoo Kimura (13 November 1924 – 13 November 1994) was a Japanese theoretical population geneticist who is best remembered for developing the neutral theory of molecular evolution.
Meghnad Saha (6 October 1893 – 16 February 1956) was an Indian astrophysicist best known for formulating the Saha ionization equation which describes the chemical and physical properties of stars.
Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (30 November 1858 – 23 November 1937) was a scientist and inventor who contributed to a wide range of scientific fields such as physics, botany and biology.
Osamu Shimomura (27 August 1928 – 19 October 2018) was a Japanese organic chemist and marine biologist who dedicated his career to understanding how organisms emitted light.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995) was an Indian astrophysicist who studied the structure and evolution of stars.
Joo-myung Seok (November 13, 1908 – October 6, 1950) was a Korean butterfly entomologist who made important contributions to the taxonomy of the native butterfly species in Korea.
Mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani (12 May 1977 – 14 July 2017) was the first and only woman and Iranian to date to win the Fields Medal in 2014 for her work on curved surfaces.
Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (7 November 1888 – 21 November 1970) was an Indian physicist who performed ground-breaking research in the field of light-scattering.
Mohammad Abdus Salam (29 January 1926 – 21 November 1996) was a theoretical physicist and the first Pakistani to receive a Nobel Prize in science.
Srinivasa Ramanujan (22 December 1887 – 26 April 1920) was a math prodigy and widely considered one of India’s greatest mathematicians. Despite having almost no formal training in mathematics, he made substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continued fractions.
Gopalasamudram Narayanan Ramachandran (8 October 1922 – 7 April 2001) is best known for developing the Ramachandran plot to understand the structure of short chains of amino acids, known as peptides.
Hitoshi Kihara (1893 – 1986) was one of the most famous Japanese geneticists of the 20th century. One of his most significant contributions was identifying sex chromosomes (X and Y) in flowering plants.
Chien-Shiung Wu (31 May 1912 – 16 February 1997) was an experimental physicist who made several important contributions to nuclear physics. Wu worked on the Manhattan Project – a top-secret program for the production of nuclear weapons during World War II and helped to develop a process for separating uranium into U235 and U238.
Meemann Chang (born 17 April 1936) is a Chinese palaeontologist who studied the fossils of ancient fish to understand the evolution of life. By examining fossils, she uncovered new insights on how vertebrates, animals with a backbone, migrated from the sea and became adapted to live on land.
Bibha Chowdhuri (1913 – 2 June 1991) was an Indian physicist who researched on particle physics and cosmic rays. In 1936, she was the only female to complete a M.Sc. degree at the University of Calcutta.
Lin Lanying (7 February 1918 – 4 March 2003) was a Chinese material engineer remembered for her contributions to the field of semiconductor and aerospace materials. Lanying was born into a family who did not believe in educating girls and she was not allowed to go to school.
Japanese geochemist Katsuko Saruhashi developed the first method and tools for measuring carbon dioxide in seawater